
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Priced to low 05.05.18

               Today is May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, so I may have some chips with Queso, Fajitas and maybe a Margareta. Queso is pronounced as Kaso, with a long a, and long o.
               Yesterday was May 4th, you know,             “May the Forth be with you”!                   Star Wars.    Oh come on, you must have seen Star Wars!          Why do I even try?
               The rain has ended and we received close to two inches over the two day period. We had some water standing in the back yard for almost 15 minutes after the rain stopped. That means the ground was absorbing the rain as quickly as it fell.
               I guess I have the Gold Wing priced too cheap, at least that is what everyone says. The people who have called say it is a good price. One fellow want to come yesterday but I told him I would not be home and anyway it was raining. I don’t know if he plans to come today.
               I would like to sell the bike but it is not absolutely necessary. I am considering changing the price on Craig’s list by increasing the price. Heck I might as well have some fun while I am trying to sell the bike. The main reason for selling it is, it is in the way in the garage. I could put it out back with the full cover on it, the cover would keep the weather off the bike, and I would have some room in the garage.
               I need to check on my latest transplant, it was transplanted just before the rain arrived. If it is ok, then I have five new black berry plants. I need to decide how I want the new, soon to be, “New Black berry patch”, to look. One must consider how he will get to the berries without injury to himself. My old patch is accessible from both sides. The plants in the new area are planted only a couple feet from the side of the shed. Will I be able to access all the future berries?

               Above is the most recent transplanted berry. I use tomato rings in an attempt to keep Tres from digging them up. The plant in the center ring is the most recent. Before you ask, yes I would clean the weeds out of the area once the new plants have established themselves. The white fuzzy ball is an onion that went to seed. Those onions were planted last year but did not do much. They lived through the winter and this spring we ate several of them. The rest have grown and gone to seed. I plan to try to replant some of the seeds and see what happens.
Remember, next Sunday is Mother’s Day!
Don Ford

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