If someone cut my arm off, could they sell it as being genuine Ford Parts? If I were going to try and define the word, “Genuine”, I would have said, “it is something real”. I have checked with the all-knowing computer, and it defined Genuine as, “Actually having the reputed or apparent qualities or character”. What the heck does that mean? I then checked the word reputed, it is defined as, “having a good repute: reputable: being such according to reputation or general belief.”
I get so tired of these no-it-alls defining words and expecting the rest of us to understand what they are saying. As I have stated many times in the past, they should always check with me before they publish these words and definitions.
I am going to provide you with a definition of genuine that is exact, correct, and proper and can’t be denied. In truth, I will provide you with a photo that defines Genuine in a way that not even you, will be able to debate! Are you ready, here it comes! Click the following photo and you will enjoy!
Stop looking at those sun glasses and observe the entire photo of this, handsome senior person. This is a Genuine Ford and all his parts have been certified as genuine.
My sweet, lovable and adoring wife bought the shirt, talk to her!
Don Ford
1 comment:
Love the T shirt...and the model!
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