
Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024

            I would like to say good morning to you all, we hope your day is starting or going well.

            Here we are again it is Thursday, and I had to go online to get tickets to the ninth-grade football game. Now you can buy the tickets at the gate, but they do not take cash. Yep, they will not take “United States Currency”, which is legal tender for all debts public and private. I just thought, is this the beginning of, “the mark of the beast”, where you cannot buy or sale anything without the mark, aka credit card. What is this world coming too?

            Another thing I just thought about, when you buy the tickets online you can print them on your printer if you have one, (another cost for the customer, ink and paper) or you can have them sent to your cell phone and use the cell phone to show your tickets. I repeat, what is this world coming to?

            Ok, I just got my tickets online and I am ready to go to the ball game, but there is more. The price of tickets for an adult is $4.00 each. They also charge $2.61 to process the purchase online, so we pay $10.61 to watch our grandson in a football game.

            What did I do yesterday: almost nothing again. After reading and doing my homework I did water the berry beds, I wish we would get a good rain that would help all the ground not just where we are watering. I was going to pull a few weeds from the front yard and take them to the nursery to see if they had something that would kill the weeds and not the grass. I went out and looked at the weeds, but I had mowed, and they were cut down too short for me to collect samples. I will get samples before I mow again.

            I have two photos of blooming flowers, the moon plant had 12 blooms, the small ground cover plants have the purple blooms.

             My wife went to the store yesterday to get some needed items, and she said the shelves at Wally world were almost empty of product. She went to the HEB and said there were people loading their carts with toilet paper thinking the strike would cause the store to have no toilet paper. As I understand it, most toilet paper is made in the US, Canada and Mexico, they don’t need boats to get toilet paper to our stores.

We did sit outside yesterday afternoon, and the neighborhood was very quiet except for three crows, and they were very vocal.

Well, that is it for now, have a safe day and be nice to more people today than you were yesterday.

Know it all, The Don.

Senior ole retired person who needs to get going, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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