
Thursday, October 10, 2024

October 10, 2024

            Good morning to all, as I sit here at the Ford’s ole desk, I can see on the security monitor some neighbors motion detecting lights go on and off, but I am not seeing anything in the area. Sometimes a cat or dog can set them off but I am not seeing anything.

            We get to go to a freshmen football game this afternoon. This game is in Temple Texas which is about 30 miles away. My plans for the day are very few, I need to get Alex to school on time and safe, I need to drop by the teller machine for the weekly stipend, and I hope to take the Tres for a walk. I could pull some weeds but that is real work.

            For some reason I had an ole thought come to mind this morning and it was about events in 1971. I had interviewed with HWI for a job at their new distribution center that was being built in Cape Girardeau, Mo. I remember the interview and the math test, and some of us were interviewed a second time. They asked a lot of questions like are you married, and I remember one question was do you have a car, and I said yes, and then he asked how much did I owe on the car. I told him it was paid for and he seemed impressed.

            I was working at General Electric supply company doing a little bit of everything. My experience in all things done in a warehouse and counter sales provided me with the opportunity for a new job.

I received a call in early May 1971, wanting me to come to work on May 31st, which was a Monday. I explained I could not as I was in the Missouri National Guard and we would be on a 2-week training starting May 31st. they then asked me to start on June 14th, two weeks later which I accepted.

I remember my first day at work with HWI. After checking in with the office and doing the paper work the Manager asked if I would help another employee who was working on a shipment in the back of the building. By the way, the building was not yet complete. I found the fellow in the back of the building and he had a shipment of pipe fittings, this was a trailer truck load of boxes on pallets. He told me he had been working on it for a couple days. He was taking the PO, that is purchase order, and the first item on the PO he would go around all the boxes looking for that item. Then he would go to the second item on the PO and go through all the pallets and boxes. I looked things over and I said let’s start over but he did not want to do that.

After some discussion I convinced him to erase everything he had done and start over. We checked in the items on the first pallet, then I said, “move that pallet to another area”. then we did the second pallet and moved it away. He had been working on this shipment for two days and was not finished, we completed the entire shipment in half a day. From that time on I became a go-to person for advice.  

Yep, an ole thought from me. Well, we hope you have a good day and please be safe in all you do.


Senior ole person who needs to check the flower blooms out back, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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