
Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12, 2024

It is a good morning here in Hewitt as I am able to get out of bed, eat a breakfast sandwich and start this uninteresting posting.

I will start with some of yesterday’s events: the morning was cool, so I went out to the ditch behind the house hoping to knock down all the weeds. As usual, Tres needed to get into the ditch and review it before I was allowed to get started. Tres usually fines a place to deposit some Poopa-Loopa and then he comes out of the ditch and allows me to get started.

It took a little over 2 hours to get the ditch cut down. the weed trimmer ran out of gas one time but the string on the trimmer lasted the entire time. The difficulty with trimming in the ditch is that it is uneven and has trenches running through it. These trenches make it hard for an ole person whose ankle hurts a lot, to stand on solid even ground and work. While I was working, I discovered a plant blooming against the fence.

            My favorite wife reviewed this plant, she has three of these plants at different places around the house, but none in the back 40. We assume that a bird may have planted it. It is odd, there has been no rain and yet this flower is growing and blooming.

            Ditch completed I was able to drag my ole body to the house. I undressed in the garage, and it was a good thing as I had weeds and dirt all over me, yes, I swept the floor of the garage after I undressed. The shower was good, and I was able to get some rest.

            I did get to do my bible reading and the homework after the rest period. A little later my favorite wife explained that the flowers needed to be watered, so, I watered the flowers in the pots. Since I had the hose on the driveway to water the flowers, I decided to clean up some oil that had dripped from my pickup. Why did oil drip from my pickup, I had the oil changed a few days ago and they spilt some oil on the motor during the process. They did attempt to clean the motor, but they did not get it all.

            The oil spot wasn’t too large, so I poured dishwashing soap on the area. I allowed it to set for a while then I took an ole broom and scrubbed the area. I then use the hose to wash the oil and soap away. 

We did set outside yesterday afternoon, and our friend came over as usual. Some good discussions and yes, we did have some discussion about things we have been reading in the bible.

Today is Saturday: we plan to get Alex from school, he is practicing with the ROTC for the homecoming. We hope to take him to lunch with us and then when we bring him home, he will do the yard work for us. Yep, we will pay for lunch and for his labor and we will be broken.

Well, I guess that is all I have today, we hope you have a good day and that everyone stays safe.

Ditch trimmer.

Senior ole retired person who is still tired from the work yesterday, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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