
Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 8, 2022

            I did nothing yesterday, and while doing nothing, I was hot and dripping in sweat. While I was doing nothing, I did get the Ford's ole generator out and changed the oil. I would like to note, the old oil in the motor, was as clean as the new oil I put in.

I need to put some gas in the generator today, to get the motor running for a while. Then I will need to get all the gas out of the tank, fuel line, and carburetor, to properly store the unit. Yep, you guessed it hot and sweaty again. Ole retired people never get to rest.

Before anyone asks, nope I did not go get a burrito or coffee today!

I have a photo or two: one is of a bug, "don't bug me", and one is of a pretty bloom, yes, it has been said, "I am also pretty"!  Yes, I said it!

     As I had reported yesterday, there was a baby rabbit in the jasmine and Tres got it. Today, as Tres and I was returning from a walk, I observed two female subjects (neighbor ladies) standing in front of the Ford residence, they were pointing at something. I wondered what they were looking at, but I could not see anything. As I drew closer, I could see Molly the cat in the front yard, and the female subjects were watching Molly.

            Now that I was closer, I could see that Molly was after something. Yep, you guessed it, Molly was harassing a baby rabbit. The female subjects got Molly away from the rabbit. The question is, will Molly find the baby rabbit again and if so, what will be the results?  

            Topic swap: I need to get out and water the plants today, even though this is a no water day.

            We hope your rabbits are all safe, and we hope you have a good day too!

Be nice to someone!

Senior retired person who has been nice one time, I think, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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