
Saturday, September 3, 2022

September 3, 2022

            Well, we are into the long Labor Day weekend, and us ole people have nothing to do.

This morning I have done little to nothing, I did have a cup of coffee, I did watch the TV crap for about 30 minutes, Tres and I went out to get the paper, the neighbor across the street was out getting his paper so we talked a little, he seemed surprised when Tres picked up the paper and brought it into the homestead. Tres and I went for a walk, we talked to the ladies up the street who were setting up a garage sale, I cut down some four o’clocks, and put them in the trash container, I took a shower, all before 7:30.

            I have since had a glass of milk and a breakfast sandwich, and now I am attempting to enlighten the reading public.

            I have a couple photos that I would like to display, for my enjoyment.


              I did not mow the front yard yesterday; I manicured the front yard yesterday. To mow one cuts the grass and then stops. To manicure, one cuts the grass pushing the mower possibly north and south, then changes directions, possibly going east and west. This double crossing allows the mower to mulch up the tall grass clippings from the first cutting. Photo #1 shows the manicured yard.

Photo #2 shows the Tres enjoying the manicured yard yesterday afternoon, while my favorite wife and I were sitting outside enjoying the mid-80s temp.

Photo #3 is of two things. First it is the black berry plant in the pot which seems to be doing ok. Second the flowers with the blue blooms, they are everywhere. The rain makes things grow.

Our lawn sprinklers ran this morning. I will need to get out and water the plants that are in pots which the sprinklers can’t reach.

I guess that is it for now, hope your weekend is fun and safe.

Mow, then manicure!

Senior retired person who needs to get to work, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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