
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 20, 2022

            I just got back from the doctor, and he said I would likely be ok. I wish he had told me if there was anything wrong with me! I asked for, and received, a flu shot. I did get a cup of coffee after leaving the doctor’s office. Now I am putting this info into the computer for your enjoyment.

            Topic swap: I did get the weeds trimmed and grass mowed yesterday (front yard only).

            We did go to Alex’s football game in Temple Texas yesterday afternoon. Alex’s team did not win, but they learned a lot. It was hot, there was no shade in the bleachers, (maybe that is why they are called bleachers) we had an umbrella that my favorite wife and I sat under. 

I did make it back to Hewitt in time to drop my first wife off at home and go to the Bible Study Meeting. I was not the last person there; a couple other men were arriving at the same time as me. This was my first complete meeting and now I know how everything works.

Arriving home after the meeting, since I had no supper, I was able to convince my present spouse to give me a bowl of ice cream. I then went to bed. 

Let us alter the subject matter: I did work on my secret project yesterday, this time I completed the project. It seems to be working ok and if I continue to like it, I might change the Plexiglas into ¼ inch plywood, which might be a little prettier. As usual, when I do any projects, I have supervisors watching all my work, Molly was on the work bench. Photos to follow

            The Plexiglas lays on the desktop, the computer weighs enough to allow me to pull the keyboard 6 to 8 inches away from the desk. Now the dog can lay under the desk, and I can still access the keyboard.

            I do need to mow the back 40 but I am not sure I want to get out in the heat. I go to the skin doctor tomorrow, and I have no idea what she will do. It could be a lot of looking, or there could be some cutting.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a safe and productive day.

I need to study!

Senior retired person who needs a nap before lunch, Don the Ford           

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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