
Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 17, 2022

            Well, yesterday was a do-nothing day. As I have already noted in the previous posting, I did pull weeds from the #1 berry bed.

            The rest of the day was a do-nothing day. I did read a little and attempt to work on the notes for the Bible Study meeting, which meets on Monday evenings. My present wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon and wave at a few neighbors as they were returning home.

            I don’t think I noted that my favorite wife had an MRI this past Thursday, we will not know the results until we see the doctor in a week or so.

Speaking of doctors, I have two appointments next week, one is a follow up, I think they will check my ears again. This visit is with a nurse practitioner. One other time I had a nurse practitioner, and he caused my ear to hurt for a whole week. 

            The second is with the skin doctor. My recent visit with the skin doctor indicated that I have a skin cancer on my left cheek. Not sure if they will be cutting on me this time or getting me ready to be cut on. I guess there were too many sunburns as a kid and teenager, part of that would come from working on farms hauling hay.

            Yesterday afternoon one of the residents on our street ran his sprinklers system 3 minutes on each area, and that was a little before the approved time. This unapproved running of the sprinklers allowed the resident to see that each sprinkler head was operating as expected. It also added a little water to the dry yard. I do have a photo.

            I also set up a portable sprinkler in an area that does not normally get watered and ran it for 30 minutes. This was done after the approved time. Yes, the entire system ran this morning starting about 3:30am.

            Our son Patrick and his wife Carla will be coming up to visit today, they also visit with Carla’s parents. We will likely go out to lunch, and we expect Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex to go along also.

            Note: we have a pecan tree, all the pecans have now been removed by a squirrel. I have swept up the driveway several times because of the pecan debris (pieces not eaten) and the grass is full of the pieces of the pecans. I am saying, there are no longer any pecans on the tree. 

            Well, I guess that is about it for the Fords, we hope your weekend is pleasant, fun and safe.

Squirrels bad!

Senior person who might become a squirrel hunter, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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