
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 7, 2022

            Let’s see what happened yesterday and today, I will, as always, be brief in my comments. Possibly my definition of brief, is different than yours.

            Yesterday, we picked up Gabi at school a few minutes after 4:00pm (we being me, Donna, and Claire). We were going to Alex’s first foot ball game in Copperas Cove, TX. For the non-resident, that is about 60 miles from Hewitt TX. The game was supposed to begin at 5:00pm.

Now if you are paying attention, you should have noticed that we were needing to drive almost 60 miles in less than 45 minutes. The Don decided to take highway 317 instead of the interstate, and that was a mistake. The road was clear until we got near Belton TX, and that is where we hit a bunch of traffic.

David, who had to work extra hours yesterday, got a later start than we did, and yet he got to the football game way ahead of us, he took the interstate. Dave called us from the game noting that it was delayed about 15 minutes.

After what seemed to be forever, we arrived. We paid and went in. They then delayed the game for 30 minutes due to lightening. We left the stadium and went to our vehicles where we waited. After some time, they canceled the game. We drove home, this time we took the interstate.

Today: Tres and I went out front to get the newspaper, he found a baby rabbit in the jasmine bed. He would not let me have the baby Rabbit, he killed the rabbit and ate it. His punishment was, he did not get to go for a walk with me this morning.

Plans for today, who knows, I might change the oil in the generator, but that is a lot of work, my ole body might not want to work that hard.

Hope your day is productive and safe.

Safety over production!

Senior ole retired person who don’t want to get his hands dirty working, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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