
Thursday, September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

            They (prognosticators) are now saying we are into Fall; I don't think so! Did we get rain yesterday, it sprinkled a little, but no rain at the Ford homestead.

Did we go to Alex' scrimmage game yesterday, yes, we did. Alex is a big boy, (aka a Ford) and every play they had two of the opponent's trying to stop him.

I have a photo taken of the cat Molly, she seemed to be comfortable.

            What has happened today?  let's see, I received a call while I was totally nude, can you believe it, people wanting to talk to me while I was undressed (aka nude)? I did not answer the phone, heck I was in the shower and covered with soap, so I assumed they would leave a message.

The phone rang again, this time, even though I was still covered with soap and water, I stepped out of the shower and answered the phone. Phone call complete, I stepped back into the shower and finished the scrubbing process.

Next, I was, what, you are interrupting me in mid-sentence to ask a question? Do you know how rude that is? You couldn't wait until we get to the end of my comments, and then ask your question? You have not only interrupted me, and all the other readers, I have now forgotten what I was about to say.

OK. What is your question? You want to know what the phone call was about?

Allow me a moment to calm down. *   *   *   *   😠   *   *   *   😐   *   *   *   *   😊

Ok, I have calmed down, and I would like to calmly tell you, you are rude, you do not need to know about my private conversations, but I am a forgiving person, I will attempt to enlighten the reading public, and you, as to the conversation.

The person calling was our daughter in law Claire, and she needed to go to work early and wanted to bring Gabi to our Homestead. Then could I take her to school. Of course, I agreed.

When Gabi arrived, we decided to go to the Star coffee place and get a couple of coffees. Gabi gets a different drink than I do, and no I can't pronounce the name. we returned home and a little later I took her to school. She had the drink in hand, and she noted that a lot of the kids have drinks from the Star coffee place when they arrive at school. We did discuss the way some of the kids are dressing, you know, holes in their pants.

After dropping Gabi off at school, I proceeded to the teller machine where I acquired our weekly stipends. My wife of more than half a century is going to town today, she normally goes on Friday, but she is going out for birthday lunch with a couple friends on Friday, so today is town day.

I allowed the Tres to take me for a walk this morning, after all those events, and now I am recording the events for posterity.

One last thing and I will quit. I had a dream last night, I was attempting to fix something, I would wake up and then drop back off to sleep and I was right back into the dream. This wake up and go back to sleep happened several times, and now I can't remember what the dream was about. I find that odd.

Stopping for now, we hope you have a safe and productive day.

Dream or imagination?

Senior ole person who relates all his thoughts to you alone, Don the Ford

 May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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