
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

September 13, 2022

             Well, it is almost 9:00am, I have had some breakfast, but no burrito, and coffee is on the desk. I have walked with the Tres, I have watered the black berries and the hanging plants, I have sprayed the bushes for something, per my favorite wife’s instructions. I will not be required to get the Alex from school today, his mother will be picking him up. I guess that is all for today, let us revert to yesterday.

            The weather was kind of cool yesterday morning, and it is again today, so I decided to knock down some weeds, that grow in the ditch behind the house. The grass and weeds were knee high, there were individual weed bushes that were at least 4 feet tall. Some of the tall bushes could not be cut down with the string trimmer, I had to get a real brush cutter (kind of like an ax with a long handle, but not an ax).

            I started out with the battery powered trimmer, in an effort to work as quietly as possible during the early morning hours. I stepped out the gate into the ditch, where I was going to begin the butchering of the grass. As soon as I started the trimmer the string fell out, yep, I needed to put string in the trimmer. It isn’t difficult, you slide the string in through a hole, and push a button, the electric motor winds the string. Now I am ready.  

The battery was fully charged, and work find for a while. I then replaced it with the second battery, and it was also fully charged, and it also worked find for a while. I was able to get half of the ditch trimmed with the battery powered unit.

            I took a short break and then I retrieved the gas-powered unit. This unit is old and hard to start. After fighting with it for a while, it started running (donations will be accepted for a new gas-powered unit). I did finally get the ditch cut down; the grass was filled with leaves that wash into them, which made the cutting more difficult.

            Work completed, I put the trimmers away and began the charging process for the batteries. Note: battery powered trimmers are somewhat like battery powered vehicles, they are great for the short runs but not for the long run!

            Back at the house I was thinking about a shower. I was removing items from my pockets when I discovered I was missing my favorite pocketknife. I needed to go look for it and I was hoping it was not under a bunch of the cut weeds. I did consider, if I could not see it, I could get my favorite grandson to bring his metal detector over and find it for me.

            The back gate is broken, it has three chains and two locks on it, I did not want to open it again, so I got a ladder and climbed across the fence, photo to follow.

            As you may be able to see, my supervisor Tres, was keeping an eye on things. I did find the knife after just a few minutes of looking, I was lucky, and it was on top of the debris. Yes, I was able to get my ole body back across the fence and put the ladder away.

            I did get a shower, I did have a late lunch, I did get a longer than usual nap.  

            Yesterday evening I went to the Bible Study Fellowship meeting, I rode with a good friend, and now I know where to park and how to get in and out of the building. There is a large group of men, various ages and various backgrounds. I know I will learn some things at these meetings, and hopefully I will be able to contribute. 

            Well, I guess that is it for now, hope your day is safe and productive.

Hard working senior?

Senior person who thinks he works hard, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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