
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

September 27, 2022

            Was the air conditioner on? Nope, it was just cool outside, it felt as if the air was on in the Ford’s ole pick up this morning. Heck, I even set the temp control at halfway between cool and warm

            As I was driving this morning, I have the vehicle radio on 60s music. Normally I have the Fox news on, but they talk about the same stuff all the time, yes, I know the oldies songs are a repeat from days past and yes, I have heard them all many times before, but I like the oldies! If you want to know, I have them playing right now as I attempt to enlighten some of you.

            We did attend Alex’s football game yesterday afternoon. It was a good game cause they won, 19 to 7. I have a photo, but you can’t see Alex as he was on the line waiting for the snap. 

            After the game I did go to the Bible study meeting.

            Subject alteration: Dave and Claire will be celebrating their 19th anniversary next week. Along with celebrating their wedding anniversary, I will also be celebrating my 19th anniversary of giving up tobacco. Two really good celebrations!

            Our Moon plant had blooms on it recently. I have been told that the plant blooms at night, but you can see the bloom the next day, although they seem to go away during the daylight hours.

            The dog lady up the street (I call her dog lady, as she rescues dogs) stopped by our house and she had a germen shepherd in her vehicle that she had rescued. He looked a lot like Tres, although he had a little more black on him. He was friendly and will be looking for a good home.

            I need to decide to do something other than sit here at this keyboard. Well, I guess I will stop now and find something to do, hope your day is full of goodness!

I need to go!

Senior retired person who is heading for the privy, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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