
Thursday, September 15, 2022

September 15, 2022

            I do not have a lot to present today, but I do have a couple comments. Allow me to begin with the price of gas here in Hewitt Texas. As I drive around our town, I am able to occasionally look at signs along the street (ole people need to stay focused on the street, not the signs). Yesterday I saw a gas price at one station of $2.95 per gallon, and that is what I had paid for gas a few days ago. At three other stations the price of gas was $3.14 per gallon. For some reason some of the stations are increasing the price.

            It was nice and cool again this morning as the Tres and I went for a walk. I should note that when I opened the door from the fords ole office to the garage, there was a strong smell of a skunk, and I do mean strong. I believe a skunk had ventured into the garage during the night. I did get down on the floor and look under the van and then around the garage to see if I could see a skunk, thank goodness I did not find one.

            Tres and I walked before the sun came up, and we did not see or smell a skunk during the walk. My favorite wife has been leaving the garage door up a little each night just in case Charlie the cat, was to return. 

            I did get my hair cut yesterday, and when I say it was cut, I mean it was cut! During the summer months I like the sides and back to be short, making it seem a little cooler. Some of the hair cutting personnel give me a haircut as if I were just getting into the army, others allow a little more hair to the point of being able to have a part in my hair. I can’t part my hair this time.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, hope you have a good day.  

Cool hair Don!

Senior retired person who is getting a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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