
Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 22, 2022

            Good morning or afternoon, whichever it is for you.  I was going to post the photos of my face before and after the surgery that occurred yesterday. I then thought that even though the scar isn’t that big or bad, some would not like to see it. I am writing this on Wednesday afternoon, and I am still feeling good, no pain as of yet.

            The Doctor was a nice young lady and at this time I think she did a good job. Let’s see if everything goes good this week (no infections or pain) and on Thursday next week they will remove the stitches. The numbness has worn off, and I can feel the area where they cut me, but not any pain as of yet. I am not sure about sleeping yet, I might spend part of the night in my recliner, you know, I don’t want to have the bandage come off due to some moving around in the bed.

            Lest see what else happened yesterday, I did go get Alex from school but not Gabi as her mother picked her up.

Today Thursday: I did get a good night sleep, actually it was better than usual, and the doctor has called this morning to see how I am doing. I have walked the dog, went to the teller machine for the weekly stipends, acquired a coffee and a breakfast burrito. Did I ever tell you that my favorite wife and I share the breakfast burrito, (halfcees). 

I need to water all the flowers and berry beds, and I need to trim all the grass in the back 40, along with mowing the back 40. It is going to be very hot today, so I may do part but not all the work. I need to replace an electrical outlet on the back patio, it will not stay on, it is a ground fault receptacle and for some reason it will not stay on. I think the bugs and small lizards get inside the outlet and that tripes it.

I have a couple other projects I need to do such as, clean off the trailer and take it to Dave’s house. He has a tree he needs to cut down, and that would allow him to load the trailer as he cut the tree. I need to get a new hose as the old hose in the back 40 has a hole in it and I get wet when I use it.

I want to apply some sealer to the driveway, we have the sealer and have never used it, so I want to see how it works, and then decide if I want to seal the walks.

            I have decided to add two photos to this posting from back in 2010. These photos are of Gabi and Alex, hope you enjoy them. 


            It looks like Gabi and Granny are dancing, and Alex is… I am not sure what he is doing. Do you think he can still do that.

Toe jelly good!

Senior ole retired person who hopes everyone has a good day, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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