
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thursday August 1, 2019

            Wow, this is my first posting!    It is the first in the month of August!


            My spouse and I worked in the garage yesterday afternoon, we had the one little fan and if it wasn’t pointed at you, there would be no air to cool you. We had a discussion as to the possibility that we might be able to afford a large fan for the garage. I would need to help my present spouse pick up those aluminum cans from the highways and bi-ways, if we were to purchase a new fan. L


            This morning (Thursday) I reviewed the freight company sale items and they have a 30 inch fan that we might be able to afford. I got in the ford’s ole Chevy and headed to the freight store. Sadly I must report they had none. The lady said we had a stack of them over there but they are all gone. That had on one display, but not to sale. I was told that the truck would be there tomorrow, I was not told that there would be one on the truck.


            Yesterday afternoon as I sat on the fords ole rocker, I observed a white vehicle pull into the neighbors drive way. A female subject dismounted the vehicle, and the male driver began to back out of the drive. Said male driver, who I believe had his head up his butt, backed out of the drive into the street never seeing the vehicle that had to come to a complete stop to avoid hitting him. When he finally saw the other vehicle he waved and pulled forward allowing the vehicle to proceed.


            I believe, we all too often get use to driving certain places with very little or no traffic, and out of habit we do stupid things.


            Pecan Tree, not planted by us, has some pecans.

            This tree was planted by squirrels, possibly 15 years ago, it is probably 35 foot tall, my spouse has always said it was a pecan tree, and it does have leaves like a pecan tree. I have assumed it was some type of hybrid and would never produce pecans. This year it has pecans, but after careful inspection, the pecans are only on the side of the tree that gets lots of sun light. The shaded side of the tree has none. Photo of the first years pecans to follow.


            Probably another expense for us, we will likely need to have the tree that shades the pecan tree trimmed or removed. That cost money.


            Yesterday we were supposed to have a repair person come to the Ford’s homestead and repair the lower ice maker in the fridge. They did not come and they did not call. I called the warrantee people again and they said they only have this one repair service in our area. I told them of our preferred service that they have used in the past, but they don’t use them now. We are supposed to get a call from the repair people sometime today.


May your day be as expected, and all schedules met!


Senior disappointed and disillusioned person; Don Ford  


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