
Friday, August 9, 2019

Friday August 8, 2019

            I have noted that our two KATs have an odd habit. When I walk to the door each morning there is usually one of the KATs wanting to go outside. As I stand there the KAT is in front of me, I then open the door and the KAT looks out making sure there is nothing that will hurt him / her. After a look for their enemies, the KAT will walk around behind me and then go outside. Why do they feel the need to walk behind me? 

              As I was out back working on the blackberries Thursday afternoon, removing the old stuff from this year, tying up the new stuff for next year, I heard a bunch of Birds making an excessive amount of noise. I thought there's something wrong in the ditch so I got up off the ground and went to the ditch. There must have been 25 or 30 Blue Jays screaming and flying around a tree. I now assumed there was a baby bird on the ground in distress. Then I saw the problem, it was a yellow Tom KAT that lives a couple houses away. He took off running when he saw me and the birds chased him up the creek. My good deed for the day!

            Different subject; what we say and how we say it, will influence the people who hear your words.
            For many years, and I still do it but not as often, I have used the word, “hate”, any time I didn’t like something. As a child I did not use words like dislike, instead I would say I hated whatever the subject was that I didn’t like.
            There was a time when I was in a vehicle with a couple work associates, the conversation was about work, as we had just left a work setting. I can’t remember the subject but I noted that, “I hated the idea”. One of the associates asked why I hated it. I tried to explain that I didn’t really hate it, I just did not like the idea. He ask why I said I hate something, if I didn’t hate it. 
            It was many years ago when it was brought to my attention, I try to use the word less, but I still back slide and say I hate something, when I really don’t hate it.
            Another problem I have, and we all should consider is, responding to a comment or question to quick. If we take a few seconds to think about a question or comment before answering, we will likely provide a better and more caring (professional) response.
            When someone is in your face, basically talking in a raised voice, or literally screaming at you, a natural response is to, react in kind. “Do not scream or holler back, do not react in kind”. You must stay calm, and not respond as if you have an opponent, when you stay calm, you should be able to control the discussion.

            What we say and how we react, will affect others. Be positive, calm and considerate! That puts you in control.

Senior management / life consultant, and KAT watcher;     Don Ford


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