
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday 08/21/2019

            I took the Gabi to school this morning (second day of school) and the traffic was not nearly as bad as yesterday, possibly one half to two thirds less traffic. J
            After returning from delivering Gabi to the school I sat with my spouse of 50 years on the Ford’s swing. As we reminisced about the morning, I noticed that our cat Charlie was looking at some flowers, we call Four O’clocks, photo to follow.  Who knew cats like flowers!
            Changing the subject, the lower ice maker in the Ford’s ole fridge has not been working for I believe 4 weeks now. The repair person came today and took the old one out and put the new one in. It only took him a few minutes and he left. I came in here to type into my computer when I heard something sound as if an item fell, in the kitchen. I knew the cats were outside, so it could not be them. I decided to investigate. Arriving at the refrigerator I could hear the water running inside, I assumed it was filling the new ice maker. When the water stopped (it only runs for a few seconds) I opened the lower drawer, the ice maker had fallen it was not attached. Nice Job?
            I quickly called the fellow and he said, he would need to get some larger screws. He then said, that one of the screw holes was stripped out! I wonder, if he knew the one screw was stripped out, why he did not get the bigger screws the first time he was here.
            He came back fairly quick and inserted the new screws. That type work along with past problems is another reason I do not like his service.

Whatever you do, do it the best you can!

Senior person who does all his work the best he can, most of the time; Don Ford


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