
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Birthday explained 08/14/2019

            Before you comment allow me to comment. Today is my birthday but that is not the subject of this soon to be well written article.

            This morning as with most mornings I sat on the Ford’s ole recliner with a cup of fake coffee. As I sipped the fake coffee, wishing I had a cup of real coffee, the person on the so-called local news was announcing birthdays. One of the photos was of a little person who was one year old. The reporter said, “Congratulations on your first birthday”. This reporter was either ill-educated, or he was just reading something that was written by some stupid person. If a reporter was using their brain, they could have looked at the photo of the little boy and known, it was not his first birthday.

            Different subject;

            Yesterday, my spouse of 50 years talked me into going to one of those big box stores to purchase her a new BBQ grill. (Do you know that the word for BBQ is, “Barbecue”? When was the last time you saw that word?) When we arrived at the store we learned that the grill she wanted was 50 dollars off, and my wife had a $10 coupon. We bought a grill.

            The grill was placed on a cart and pushed to where we were. We then pushed it to the check out. After paying we headed to the Ford’s ole pickup. The grill was in a large carton and it was heavy. Do you think anyone offered to help this ole senior man get the carton off the cart, and into the bed of the truck? No one offered, but I did get it loaded.

            Arriving at home I went to work assembling the grill. The instructions were perfect, they did not have words, just accurate drawings of step by step information on how to assemble the unit. My kind of instructions!

My first wife had to cook on the new grill last evening, just to verify that it worked.    It did!

            What? You say my first comment was not clear. All you need to do is think about what the news guy said. Ok, I don’t know why I even try, but I will explain.

            The kid was one year old today. (Birthdays are anniversaries of the day a person was born.) The news guy said, “Congratulations on your first birthday”. If a person is one year old, it is their second anniversary of their birthday! The first birthday was when they were born, the second anniversary of their birthday is when the have lived for one year.


Come on, even I understand that!


Senior person of understanding. Don Ford


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...I would have thought that it was the first anniversary of the young lad's birth...