
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Rest day over 05/28/2019

            My day of rest is over and I now must return to work. I went out and picked some Black Berries. There are some extra-large berries down under a group of leafs. Photo to follow.                    
Those berries are at least 1.5 inches long. Photo is not very good as I was on my knees when I took it.

            Today I need to determine a way to paint the door to this so-called office. I know how to take it down, and I will probably put a sheet over the open door to keep the skeaters, (a Missouri word for mosquitos) and flies out. The problem is, how do I keep the Tres from going through the sheet and bringing it down.

There is no rest for the retired seniors!

Poor ole retired senior; Don Ford

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