
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Golden age 05/04/2019

            I have recently been made aware that today is a special day. “What is this special day you speak of”, he asked with an odd looking frown on his face. I smiled at him, and quietly said, “May 4th”. “May 4th, he shouted, “Why the heck is May 4th a special day”? Again, still smiling, or maybe I was smirking, I quietly said, “May the 4th be with you”! He stood there looking at me and said, “Oh, May the 4th be with you, I see”. I then explained, starting at 12:00am Saturday, May the 4th, all the Star Wars episodes will begin airing on TV. Yes, I have been watching.

            Yesterday afternoon, when the rain had stopped, I ventured out of the Ford Homestead to get a breath of fresh air. I looked around the neighborhood and then looked up to the heavens, when I saw something amazing. It was a rainbow, and yes I have a photo, but first I want to tell a story about a rainbow.
            My brother Carl liked to fish, and was also a commercial fisherman on the Mississippi river for a while. He told my mom this story, and I was there when he told her. He said he was on the bank of the Mississippi river after it had rained, when the end of the rainbow passed over him. He didn’t mean that it was up in the sky, he meant that the actual rainbow basically touched him as it went over him. I remember he commented that he believed it happened because our Dad who was in heaven, was telling him something. Was it just a story he made up, or real, I don’t know.
            I have always heard that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I personally have never been at the end of a rainbow, but I have taken a photo of the end of a rainbow. Click to enjoy.

            The end of that rainbow is in our neighbor’s home, so in their home there is a pot of gold. I wonder if that pot of gold is real metal gold, or, if it is a pot of golden macaroni and cheese?
            You are right, I find interesting subjects for this blog.

            We had more rain last evening, but it was less than a ¼ inch. We are supposed to be almost rain free this weekend and then we will again receive the Rain Forest blessing.

May the fourth be with you!

Senior commentator; Don Ford


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