Rain, Rain, go away,
Come again some other day,
Big ole Donnie wants to play!
I only want the rain to go away for a couple weeks, then return as needed. How do we get that to happen? Maybe we should all live in one of those big glass domes that has its own environment! You know what I am talking about, it would be an enclosed environment, kind of like what they have secretly put on the Moon or Mars. We could have solar panels inside making electric, and we could recycle our human waste making fertilizer and drinking water. We would be cut off completely from the outside world! L
Now that I think of it, we would all probably want some fresh air once in a while, and when it was raining on the big glass dome, we would wonder if it felt good, and would a drink of fresh, not recycled human waste water, be good?
Recycling waste is good, when you have a choice as to whether you want to use the after product are not. Living in a dome, you have no choice. Wow, living in a dome would be similar to being in the space station, except you would not be weightless. Drinking recycled liquids don’t sound good to me. How did you get me on this subject?
We received an inch of rain Wednesday morning in about 30 minutes. When I checked the rain gage later in the afternoon, we had a total of 2.25 inches of fresh, non-recycled, rain.
With all the wet outside yesterday, I stayed inside resting, and rejuvenating my senior body. I am now considering repainting this little office area. It would mean I will need to work my ole senior body.
The sooner I start on this office, the sooner I will get tired!
Tireless self-inspiring master painter; Don Ford
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