
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Colors 05/14/2019

            I have a photo of several colors on the wall at the Ford’s Homestead. It is the end of a rainbow, indicating that the Ford Homestead is like a pot of gold!           Fords are like Gold!
            In the following photo there is a lot of green. This is a part of a black berry plant that I have transplanted from the original berry patch. It is about 6 foot tall and will be covered with berries next year. It was so big I have a tomato ring holding it up.
            We have another color that we will need to watch closely. A few of the black berries are turning red, which means they will be turning black very soon.

            Can we say, “Black Berry Cobbler”! J
            Before that one person asks, I use material from old bed sheets to tie the black berries. If you let them go without tying them, you would get stuck every time you walked around them. They have a tendency to spread.

            What did I do yesterday? It was warm and sunny so I mowed, I mean I manicured, the front yard, leaving the grass one inch taller than usual. I did drain the oil from the ford’s walk behind mower, I then learned I did not have the correct oil to refill the mower, I also found I need an air cleaner. I was too lazy to go to town yesterday, or mow the back yard, I plan to do that today.
            Warm dry weather until Saturday!

Work, work, all the day, as big ole Donnie gets to play!

Senior player; Don Ford


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