
Thursday, May 16, 2019

In the beginning 05/16/2019

            In the beginning there was a single Black Berry, it was all alone. The property owner, an old and feeble man, was able to limp out to the berry vines. As he surveyed the ole tired vines, he found a single little berry. This renewed his hope, and gave him new found energy. The old man skipped and hopped back to the house knowing, “There will be a bunch more Black Berries!”
            Yesterday I reviewed the Black berry crop and I found one small berry that was black, see photo above. There are some red berries which means, I will be checking the berries twice a day until all are harvested. If I fail to check the berries, the birds will harvest them.
            Our son David checked his berries and there were four black berries of which the birds had been eating on one, for that one person who is not good at math, David had three good black berries. 
            Before anyone comments, yes that first berry is very small, most of the green berries on the vines are as big as your thumb.
            While reviewing the berries I came upon a blooming flower. I found this to be a little odd, as those flowers had bloomed in the past, and usually only bloom once a year. Photo to follow.
            Changing the subject; yesterday I began to work at the second third of the ford’s ole office project, painting. First I removed several items from around and above the Ford’s ole desk, and then removed the doors from the cabinet. The painting followed the same process as previous painting, three coats of white paint to cover the blue paint.
            After the third coat of paint was applied, I allowed it all too dry overnight, and then replaced the doors and one shelf this morning. The next third of the project requires me to remove the ford’s ole desk. Removal of the desk will allow access to a drawer and door to a cabinet that hasn’t been opened since I began to work at home. I believe that was about 12 years ago. My spouse of half a century believes there are some old records not 45s but probably LP records in that area.
            We have discussed the possibility of cutting a hole in the side of that cabinet and installing a door, which would then allow access to the cabinet while the desk is in place. Not sure how I would do that until I remove the desk and see what I have to work with.

            As they say, “A Seniors work is never done”!
Did you notice, if you were to add an “e” to the end of my name, “Don”, you get, “Done”?

That is my way of saying this posting is finished!

Senior author of wonderful postings; Don Ford


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