Friday, May 31, 2019
Profits are up 05/31/2019
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Ford got a new 05/29/2019
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Rest day over 05/28/2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Day of rest 05/27/2019
I had decided to take it easy today. Tres and I drove up to the coffee shop and I got a cup of real coffee. Returning home we went to the Ford’s ole computer to get a rebate for something that my spouse of half a century bought. When I finished that, I went out back with a big broom and swept the cement pad off, you know, where the grill and outside table sets.
I then went to the shed and retrieved a lopper and a small cutter, then I went to the roses and began to trim some of them. After the trimming I picked up all the pieces and took them to the trash container where I cut them into smaller pieces that would fit in the container.
I then took a couple bougainvillea plants that had given up the ghost, (died) and took them to the trash container. I took the container out to the street for pick up.
I then used the ford’s ole red wagon to take two 5 gallon gas cans from the garage out to the shed. I then added some gas stabilizer to the gas in each can.
While I was in the mood to rest, I retrieved a 40 pound bag of dirt from the hot house and filled in a couple holes in the yard. Having a little dirt left, I removed 4 stepping stones, and I added the dirt which raised the stepping stones. I then put all my tools away and came in here to enter this info.
A day of rest and it is only half over!
Senior rest-ologist, Don Ford
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Change in the office 05/25/2019
Photo 1, shows a two tone blue cabinet with a brown door installed. Photo 2, shows the same cabinet with all doors removed and it is painted white. Why did we need a new door? My desk sits against the old door allowing no access. The new door allows access! Photo 3, Cabinet with doors and drawer installed. Photo 4, my ne desk, the old desk has been removed. It is difficult when you are on a fixed income. Tres noted that it is easier to sleep under this desk. I have wires everywhere, I hope that I will be able to remember what goes where.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Stop complaining 05/21/2019
It hasn’t been too long ago when someone commented about all the work that went into receiving, unloading, checking, stocking, updating inventory, receiving orders, filling, and packing, shipping, and again adjusting inventory.
Now days, most of this is done via computer, or a computer type device. The orders are sent in from the customer via computer, then processed through the business via computers and scanners. Companies now days don’t send a printed packing list with the orders, it is done via computer. The business who will receive the product in a day or two, will be able to see the packing list on their computers immediately, and know what is, or is not, on its way.
I worked for GESCO, “General Electric Supply Company”, about 100 years ago. It was not a huge business even though we provided the local utilities with transformers and some overhead wire. Most of our business was with Electricians, both local and within about a 75 mile radius of Cape. There were three people who worked at GESCO, the manager, a sales person, and a warehouse person, me.
The manager sat around and went through papers acting as if he was working. The sales man, when in the office would often be on the phone acting as if he was trying to get orders. The warehouseman me, did all the work.
A truck would show up and I would unload it. I did not mind a load of light bulbs, or a load of tools, they were easy to work with. Everything was done manually as we did not have a fork lift. We did have something that was used like a fork lift, but it was all manual. You could push it to the back of the truck, then crank up the platform to be level with the truck and then you could slide a transformer from the truck to the platform. Manually you could push this very heavy device to the location where you want to sit the transformer and slide the transformer off the plate into its location.
When the truck was unloaded I would sign the bill and go to the office and get the paper purchase order (aka PO). I would check the product in against the PO. When everything was checked in I then put each item in its location.
After everything was put away I would then take the PO and packing lists to the card file. In this set of files we manually kept our inventory. Each item had a card with the item identification. I would record the amount received on the proper card and then go to the next item. All receipts were recorded this way.
The salesman would give me hand written orders to be filled. I would fill these orders, pack them, fill out a shipping document, call the truck line for a pick up, load the product on the truck and then head back to the card files to deduct the items from inventory.
During the day I had other responsibilities such as counter sales. Counter sales were at times interesting. Often an electrician would come in with a list of things he needed. I would get the list, and fill the order while the sales man would go to get coffee with the electrician.
That wasn’t so bad until, you got the electrician with a piece of cardboard that had some drawings on it, and a few words. I learned to ask questions about the cardboard orders. They may have wanted an electrical panel, the breakers, a couple boxes of 12/2 with ground, 30 outlets, 15 switches, a few three-way switches and so on.
When they returned they expected you to have it ready and waiting. I was pretty good at filling those orders.
Did I mention that my other responsibility was too keep the office and warehouse swept and clean. At the time, I didn’t understand that I was preparing myself for the future.
One day there was an ad in the paper that HWI was accepting applications. I took off work and applied. I interviewed with three HWI people. The last person I interviewed with seemed to be impressed that I had experience in this type work, was married, was buying a home, I had a vehicle which was paid for. Even though they did not say it, when I left the interview I knew I had the job.
Several weeks later I received the call with an offer to work for HWI. I had to explain that I was in the National Guards and we were going on a two week training. I could not start on the first, I could start on the 14th.
Experience at another employer is why I was picked for HWI.
I was one of the few people that understood working in a warehouse setting. I quickly became the person that the staff would go to with questions.
I know this wasn’t interesting to you, but I enjoyed the walk down memory lane!
We don’t know what the future holds for us!
Don Ford
Monday, May 20, 2019
Third part 05/20/2019
Saturday, May 18, 2019
6 inch rain 05/18/2019
The day started too early for me. It was a Saturday, and I should be allowed to stay in bed until 6:00am. It didn’t happen! Now you are probably trying to get ahead of me thinking, he is going to say the cat and or dog woke him. Nope, I am not going to say that, so please allow me to tell the story without any additional interruptions.
I awoke early, as I had business which I needed to address. This Saturday is the day to hall off your limbs and other trash. I got dressed and had a cup of coffee. As I sat there thinking about hauling the limbs it came to mind, that I would need to tie down the limbs. Finishing the cup of coffee, I found my way out to the Ford’s ole trailer, which was attached to the Ford’s ole Chevy. I secured the limbs, check the lights and made sure the trailer was properly attached to the truck.
I made another cup of coffee to accompany me on the 5 minute trip. I decided to leave the homestead at 6:45 hoping to be one of the first in line. When I arrived there were about ten trucks, some with trailers, in front of me.
At 7:00 they started accepting the vehicles. The dumping process was uncoordinated, I could have come up with a better plan. When I left, the line of vehicles wanting to dump items was so long, I could not see the end of the line. I would guess easily 50 vehicles in line.
When I arrived home, I decided to sweep the trailer and get it parked in the back yard before it rained. As I was sweeping the trailer it began to rain, this rain turned out to be a 6 inch rain. The drops of rain when they hit the driveway, were 6 inches apart, thus a 6 inch rain!
I am proud to say, the trailer is parked in its normal spot, the drive way is swept, and the rain has not yet begun. What a nice beginning to a Saturday.
My Spouse of half a century and I had lunch and then she went to a grocery store. We returned home and I was forced to take a nap. After an appropriate amount of time with my eyes closed, I wondered out back to look at the blackberries. A bird had one of my small ripe berries and there are several half ripe that should be ready tomorrow. As I wondered around the back forty, it began to sprinkle rain on this senior’s body. Knowing how sweet I am, and that I would melt if I got too wet, I headed back inside.
The thunder is almost continuous but it doesn’t seem too close, and the rain is very hard. We have received a little over half an inch of rain in the last half hour, it had let up some, but is raining hard again. Do we need the rain, that is not important, we get it, needed or not.
A rainy afternoon at the Fords!
Senior sweetie: Don Ford
Friday, May 17, 2019
Friday activities 05/17/2019
Today was an odd day. Now I know several of you are thinking, “Mr. Don”, has an odd day almost every day, and that is kind of true. This Friday was even odder. It all started like this.
Friday morning at 7:50am, that is when Gabi arrived here and I was going to take her to school. That is normal and not considered as unusual. Upon her arrival, we were informed that we could go to her school and observe the, “Fun in the sun day”. We were told Gabi’s group would be at field 5. We had no idea where field #5 was at.
I took the Gabi to school and returned home to get dressed properly, “Clean jeans and shirt”. We were in a big hurry to get there not having any pre-warning, I did not take any folding chairs, and I did not take any sun block. All the kids were playing soft ball so we watched two games, all the while our old senior bodies had to standup. It was a long walk from the car to the ball fields.
We returned home and rested a while before getting dressed again to go to a graduation at Baylor. With clean clothes on we headed out. We were about ¾ of a mile away from Baylor’s stadium when we ran into stop, and sometime go traffic. It took about 20 minutes for us to get close to the stadium, still in mostly stopped traffic. We were seeing young people with their caps and gowns on, getting out of cars both in front and behind us, and either walking or running to the stadium.
I decided to get into a different lane and not go to the graduation! We drove past the stadium and traffic was backed up on every road and the parking lots appeared to be full. We did not go, but we plan to go to the party this afternoon.
Unbelievable traffic, not good for senior persons!
Don Ford
Thursday, May 16, 2019
In the beginning 05/16/2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Early morning 05/15/2019
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Colors 05/14/2019
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Olden days again 05/12/2019
Yesterday, as I was watching something on TV, there was some type commercial that had a skull of a human with two red eyes. That Skull brought back some old memories. My first car was a used 57 Chevy. It was nothing special but did get me and some friends around town. There was a store in Cape Girardeau name Cousin Fred’s.
The store had lots of everything in it, and in the very back corner there was accessories so to speak, for cars. They had a plastic skull and it had red lights in its eyes. I purchased a skull and installed it in the back window of the 57 Chevy, facing to the back of the car. I wired the skull into the brake lights, so when I put my breaks on, the eyes would light up at the same time the brake lights did.
I was cool, no one else had a skull in the back window. Probably no one else wanted one!
I know what you are thinking, “Donnie was way ahead of his time”! You are right, I basically had the first break light in the back window, and now all the new vehicles have a break light in the back window area.
I guess I am close to being a genius. I will try and not make the rest of you feel bad with all my great thoughts.
Different subject;
Yesterday I painted a shelf for my wife of half a century. I presented it to her this morning saying we can install it this afternoon. As she looked it over I waited patiently for a comment such as thank you, or nice job, but it did not come. I then asked, “What should you say?” she said we can put it up this afternoon. With tears in my eyes, I staggered out of the room dejected, knowing my work should have been appreciated, but no positive comment of appreciation was made.
Keep your expectations low, and disappointment isn’t so bad!
Deflated senior worker; Don Ford