
Friday, November 1, 2019

Does size matter 11/01/2019

          Before we get into a discussion about the size of it, I will comment on two things, maybe three things.
          1.       It is now November. You may begin thinking about a Christmas present for me!
          Second, it is colder than a well digger’s shovel. I don’t know how cold that is, but I will tell you it is 28 degrees this morning. We should not normally have a freeze for another three weeks here in Hewitt.
          C.       As I drove home from taking the Gabi to school this frigid morn, I began to observe the frost on the roofs of the homes. It was easy to see who had adequate insulation, and who did not. Homes where the frost was equal all over the roof were insulated. If one can see a difference between the edge of the roof (having more frost) and the middle of the roof (having less frost) the home was not as insulated.
          When I pulled up to the Ford homestead, I noticed our roof had no frost! Lucy, allow me to splane. When a home has trees with leaves on them (since it is fall some trees have lost their leaves) and the limbs with leaves are over the house, there is no frost under the tree limbs. I can’t splane that, it just happens. I went to the back of the house where there are no limbs covering the roof and there was frost everywhere!

Now to the subject at hand;
          Does size matter? That question sometimes is influenced by whether one is a male or female. I can understand why size matters; clothes that are too tight or too small are just not comfortable for the male population. It seems to me that many of the opposite sex, like their clothes, too tight and or too small. That is just my opinion.
          I have a photo that has caused me to ask, does size matter. Click on the photo to, “Make it larger”!
Is the acorn really small, or is the pecan very large. Possibly both are true. The acorn came from the live oak tree in the back forty, while the pecan came from the Ford’s con tree.
          If you are thinking the small acorn is just an odd acorn, you would be incorrect. The ground around the live oak tree is almost covered with these small acorns.

Enjoy the size of this coming weekend!

Larger than life, ok maybe average; Don Ford


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