
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Rocks and Bird 11/02/2019

            This short post has two subjects. First, our dog Tres, has since he was a puppy ran up and down the fence. There are a couple dogs on the other side of the fence and one is a girl. Anyway, he has carved a path of dirt. Now that is ok most of the time but if it rains the dirt turns to, yep you guessed it, mud. Someone came up with the idea of paving the path with stones. These stones are considered river rocks which means they are more or less round and not sharp.
            The test area is 10 feet long, and we will see if it works (see if the rocks don’t disappear into the dirt). If it works, we will purchase more of this stone and cover the rest of the path, approx. 50 more feet.           Donations of $50 or more will be accepted.

            Second topic; “A sign in the sky”, was observed by this author.    
               As I was motivating over the hill,     I saw Maybelline in a Coupe Deville,
            Cadillac running on the open road, But nothing can out run this ole Ford.             
Wait a minute, yes I was motivating over the hill, but Maybelline wasn’t there. I did see a sign in the sky. If you look closely (click to enhance) you may also be a visionary. There are two clouds that present an image of a flying bird. As I now understand it, this is a sign to all birds, it is time to fly south!        Who knew, birds needed a sign in the sky, to fly.

Yes I pulled over to take the photo!

Senior visionary and teacher of odd things; Don Ford


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