
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The plot thickens 11/06/2019

            A Joke:
          A 9 year old student who does not wear glasses said to a student who does wear glasses, “Next year everyone will be able to see clearly without glasses”! “Why is that”, asked the student who wears glasses? With a big smile on her face the student who did not have glasses said, “Next year is 2020 and you don’t need glasses when you are 2020!    LOL
            Tuesday morning I took the Fords ole Chrysler van to the battery place and asked them to check the battery. The van started without any problem that morning. They checked it and said the battery shows being in good condition. I did not purchase a new battery. That did not make my spouse of half a century happy.
            We decided that my present spouse will take the Ford’s ole pickup to get Gabi, and I will take the Ford’s ole van to get Alex. If the van don’t start, I will be on my own.
            I arrived at the school and turned the van off. About half way through the wait I tried the van and it started. I shut it off and waited for the kids to come out of school, I again tried to start the van, it started. My spouse was driving the Ford’s ole pickup, for the second time since we bought it, (we have had the pickup for 4 years) and she had problems getting it in gear.
            My spouse was sick all day Tuesday and did not attend the retirement party. She was coughing continuously.  Guess what, now I am coughing, do you think she gave it to me, intentionally!

Different subject; “Why one should not have a dog”.
         The Tres and I went for a walk Tuesday afternoon. A friend and senior retired person who lives down the street was walking his dog. This senior person at a distance, looked as if he did not feel well. We exchanged greetings and I ask how he was doing. He said not good! He noted that he had tripped over a dog blanket and fell in the house, hitting his back on the fireplace brick, braking a rib.        That seems to be one good reason to not have a dog.

May your day be blessed with normalcy!

Senior retired know-it-all; Don Ford


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