
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday 11/19/2019

            Today is Tuesday but I am writing about Monday. In other words, I want to report on what my first wife and I did yesterday.

            As I had presented in an earlier posting, the Christmas decorations that are stored in the Ford’s ole shed, were brought to the Ford’s ole garage for assembly. Yesterday I brought the ladder from the shed, not an easy task as it is kinda heavy. I then positioned the ladder so I could climb up to the roof edge, this turned out to be the first of many climbs for this senior retired person.

            Once I was at the top of this ladder I would attach the beginning of a string of lights to the shingle. I was able to make a couple attachments before having to climb down and move the ladder. Each time I moved the ladder, I faced obstacles that would have caused a lesser person to give up.

            I know someone is going to ask what these obstacles were, they were things like cement flower pots, cement rabbits or a bench, which needed to be moved prior to placing the ladder. Before anyone asks, I was climbing to dizzying heights on the ladder, as many as 3 steps above the ground. That is high for a senior retired person.

            After what seemed to be hours of continuous climbing up and down that ladder, that part of the project was completed. The next part I was allowed to participate in was, at ground level. Allow me to explain. I was installing a string of lights at ground level. In other words, I was sitting on the ground which was covered by thousands of those annoying acorns, and after placing a light I would scoot a little and then install the next light. I had to scoot 50 times installing 50 lights.

            Completing that project I then acquired the Ford’s ole rake and begin removing as many acorns as I could. I have stated this fact before, “You can rake the grass as much as you like but you never get all the acorns. If I get from one third to half I am happy. 

            Today I will once again be on the ground installing 50 more lights and after that, if the present spouse has nothing else for me to do I will need to go to town as I am out of adult beverage. Also I plan to rake another area of the yard again attempting to remove some of the acorns.

            Yes my wife of half a century was also working on the decorations yesterday. She has placed most of the outside decorations and today the plan is to run power out to those decorations with lights.

Decorations are nice, if someone else installs them!

Senior retired person who is allowed to work on decorations; Don Ford

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