
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Flying into the neighborhood 11/21/2019

            Yesterday as this ole tired senior retired person sat in the ole rocking chair enjoying a cold drink, I was harkening back to the activities from earlier in the afternoon.

            Allow me to back up to just after lunch and a short nap. When I awoke from said nap, I became aware that I had nothing on my list of things to do. My spouse of half a century was gone from the homestead so I was all alone. The wind was blowing and that brought my attention to the back 40. There were leaves everywhere so I wondered if I could use the walk behind mower as a mulcher and shred these leaves.

            Even though I was tired from all the forced work of this week, I decided to try the mulching. The fords ole walk behind was able to mulch most of the leaves. I walked the entire back 40 behind that ole mower and most of the leaves were reduced to crumbs.

            Before you ask, the riding mower does not mulch, and has a tendency to blow the leaves like a leaf blower.

            Completing this voluntary, work I headed out to get the Alex from school. After acquiring my usual parking space, I turned on the ole tablet. I did play a few games of solitaire, but I became tired and after shutting down the tablet I closed my eyes and napped on and off until the boy was let out of school. 

            Arriving at home, Alex decided to rake leaves from my drive and from the neighbor’s yard. My first wife had purchased some plastic stakes that we needed to install the last string of ground level lights. I took the stakes and began installing the string of lights. To install these lights I had to sit on the ground and scoot from one light to the next. NO, I could not crawl on my hands and knees do to the acorns. Yes I had raked the entire yard! No I did not get them all! Yes they are still falling!

            I did not have enough plastic stakes, I need 19 more. The string of lights are installed but I had to skip installing a plastic stake, on every other light, 19 times. My spouse will get more today and I will once again be on the ground.

            Now if you will allow, I will get back to the original subject of this most excellent article.

            As I sat on the Fords ole rocker sipping from a glass that had a wonderful beverage in it, I became increasingly aware of what seemed to be an invasion from above. There were white winged doves flying in groups, some were landing in the neighbor’s tree and some were landing in our tree. I am not say a few doves were present, I am saying in total a large group possibly between 100 and 150 were in the trees.

            I knew why they were there, it was supper time. These birds stayed in the tree for a minute or two and then a couple flew down to the street. The other doves seeing there was no danger, they dropped down to the street almost at the same time. They were eating the crushed pecans, and only stopped if a vehicle came down the road.

            At some point they decided to get out of the street and many of them flew into the oak trees in our front yard. I assume they were going to spend the night there since the tree still has its leaves which could block off the night breeze.


           That is it for now, I need to find something to do today, as I will not be watching the politicians on the impeachment crap!


I hope you have a great day!


Senior retired decoration specialist; Don Ford

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