Part one
The title line questions whether something that begins great, will end as great. I will explain when and how all disease and illness will, begin to end, here on earth. Begin to end sounds a little odd, but is a correct comment.
If I were the person reading this article, I would assume it is a fiction story, thought up in the mind of the author. It does come from the mind of this author. Who put it in the authors mind? Is it fiction or fact? Good questions.
I will attempt to provide the facts as briefly as possible.
In less than two decades, there will be an announcement that they have found a method to prevent all “future” disease and illness. In other words, future humans can live their entire life free of all disease and serious illness. Humans will still get an upset stomach if they eat something bad.
Imagine if you will, people being born healthy, living their entire life healthy and dying healthy. You may now wonder why a person would die if they have been healthy all their life. Things wear out! I am not saying people would be indestructible, but they would be free of disease and illness all their life.
Let me provide more information. People will still have accidents. There will be broken bones, cuts, bruises and all other types of injuries, but no illness and no disease. Example, those people who have received, “the change”, as it will be known, will not get the flu or any other illness, but they may have an accident and break a leg or arm. They may be injured in a car or work related accident, they can be killed.
Consider for a moment diabetics. In today’s world, millions of people have diabetes, but for the offspring of those who accept the change, there will be no diabetes! That sounds great, but also consider the companies who sell the medicine for diabetes. Will they try to stop the change in order for them to continue selling their meds? Do you think any of the companies that sell medicine will gladly accept the change, and as time passes, go out of business? What happens when the politicians get involved?
The change announced in 2038 is available at that time, the medical companies and the government get involved and are able to delay the implementation of the change. It will be another two years 2040 before the change is available to the general public.
The change will not help those people who were born before the change was discovered. All politicians in office when the change is announced will not live illness and disease free, they were all born before the change.
Older people will not be as enthusiastic as the younger people in embracing the change, as the change affects only the new born. Now you know that only the new born will have the opportunity to live illness and disease free.
Let me explain how the change takes place.
It will be learned that in human DNA, there is an area that for some reason is not active, the DNA is there but no activity. Scientists will find a method of activating that portion of the DNA inside the human body. Just how they activate it, I do not know. They will learn that by activating this particular portion of the DNA, the body itself would provide for the human offspring, a life free of disease and illness.
The politicians get involved and make it a law that in the United States.
Adults who were planning to have a child must accept the change, a minimum of 30 days prior to conception! Those who do not accept the change and have a new born, would lose all insurance rights for the child. Yes there is still insurance as there are many people who were born prior to the change, and these people will experience illness and or disease in their life time.
It is estimated that it will take 88 years for all the people who have not received the change, or who refuse to accept the change, to die!
Another move by the politicians; those adults who accept the change and their offspring, will also be required to accept an identification chip implanted in their hand.
Initially the chip could be inserted into either hand, it will later be decided the chip must be inserted on the back side of the right hand. This chip is an identification chip and having it inserted into the same location of each person, will make it easier to use for identification. The chip is used to verify acceptance of the change, and a way to protect these people’s rights to insurance.
Is there more, yes!
Don Ford
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