
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Future defined

                           Part two

               All the children whose parents accepted the change, will begin life never having any shots or vaccinations, never having things like the pink eye, a cold not even a sore throat. The children, once they were in school, will never missed a day due to illness.

            Yes there will be a need for doctors because the changed, as they will be known in the future, do have accidents. 

            For the changed it seemed like a miracle, but even though the changed are living totally healthy, not all things that come with the change will be great.


               As it was explained earlier, the parents of, and the children who accepted the change, were required to have a chip inserted in their hand. This chip turned out to be an excellent method to identify a person. Those who have the chip, never lost their ID. In the near future they no longer had to have driver’s license or state IDs, as the chip worked without fail.


            It will be decided that everyone who worked for or with the government, must have the identification chip inserted in their hand, weather they had accepted the change or not. These chips will reduce the government’s costs and provide increased security. That is another positive effect of the change.


               When the positive ID chip is required of each government worker, the government will no longer issue a pay check. All government employees will be placed on a, “Credit and debit payroll system”. Basically it is similar to a credit card system. These government workers will have their pay direct deposited into their account. Instead of having a credit card to withdraw funds from their account, or to purchase something, the chip inserted into their hand will serve as their ID and payment method. Yes, the chip can be scanned into a computer, allowing purchases on line.


               This system works better than expected for the government over several years. That is when the government will decide to make another change.


            It is decided that everyone will have the identification chip implanted, it will then be the only form of identification accepted throughout our nation. People will no longer be allowed to work, buy, sell, travel, get or provide medical assistance, and no welfare or other government provided assistance, without the chip. No form of currency will exist, just the chip, and a debit / credit system.

            The government will have access to everyone’s records, including pay, savings, credit accounts, insurance, personal possessions and health records, basically any transaction that would have involved money in the past.

            Other nations around the world will have been watching our progress and are installing the same type systems worldwide.


               All this information will be stored in an ultra-safe computer system. The system is enormous. It is referred to as, “The Beast” by those who have seen it, and or work with it.

               Eventually the chip will be referred to as, “The Mark of the Beast”.


            Another positive result, people will no longer be required to file income tax forms. The government has access to all your financial records and will automatically take the required amount for your tax, monthly.


               There are obviously groups of people who will not accept the chip, many for religious reasons, and others because they do not trust any form of government. These groups often live in rural areas where they are able to raise most of their own food. In some situations, one member of the family will accept the chip and is able to provide for the family members. Those groups who refuse to accept the chip eventually die out, or give in, and accept the chip. 


Is there more, yes!



Don Ford



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