
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Garage or yard sale 10/06/2019

            I have noticed certain actions and reactions of those who go to a yard sale.

First, they do not usually park in a manner that normal people would park. It seems as if they are in a hurry, and one end of their vehicle is further out in the street than it should be.

Second, they quickly exit the vehicle, but slow down as soon as they step away from the vehicle. They want to appear to not care, and appear as if they really don’t what to be there. If there is a male and female, the male will try to look as if he had to come, and don’t want to purchase anything. In fact, he is shopping just as much as the female.

Third, if he / she sees something they want they will walk past it, only giving it a slight glance. After they have looked at a couple other items they will ask, “How much for that gig widget”? They expect you to drop the price some from whatever you have on it. Whatever you say they will smile and continue looking as if they are not interested. In a minute or so they will make you an offer, about half of what you had told them. Don’t take it, they are interested, you got them if you just stand your ground.

Fourth, if they find a couple items they will make you an offer. You then need to decide, do you want to get rid of the items or stand your ground and try to get your price. Most people give in and take the offer.


            Suggestion; don’t have a yard sale, give it to a charity. If the money is that important, get a receipt and write it off on your taxes.


Those who go to yard sales or odd!


Non yard sale person; Don Ford


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