
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Parallel 10/30/2019

            Could that word mean, side by side, and or, equally alongside of something.

            Let us harken back in time to 1963, which was only 56 years ago, a time in the past when I was taking Driver’s Ed. I was 16 years old and already had my driver’s license, but took the Driver’s Ed to get the insurance discount. One of the things we practiced was Parallel parking. It was my turn and I aced it. The next student was a female and she could not parallel park. After several tries she began to cry and the teacher had her get out from behind the steering wheel. 

            For some reason parallel parking has always been easy for me, as a matter of fact, I can still do it, even though there are very few locations where a person can parallel park.

            As my one reader knows, I pick up the Alex after school daily. I watch these people try to Parallel Park, and to this day, I have not seen one of them properly parallel park. I have seen then try and fail, I doubt that they even teach parallel parking now days. Most of these non-parkers go head first into the opening and then try to get the back end of the vehicle in.


            Different subject; we had light rain off and on yesterday through last night, totaling just a little over half an inch. It is cold and supposed to get colder tonight. We may even get a light freeze tonight. I have moved three cactus type plants into the Ford’s little hot house and I will need to place the heat lamp out there also. This possible freeze is coming about 3 weeks earlier than normal.


            Different subject; we will get back to normal time this weekend. If you want to, you can change the time on your clocks, if you have clocks, back one hour. Why did I say if you have clocks? Many people use their smart phones as their clocks, they even use them as alarm clocks.


Stay warm, be nice to others and you will be happy!


Senior flower mover; Don Ford


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tired of it 10/29/2019

            I have commented on this in the past. I will comment on the subject again today. You can do nothing to help me, or should I say help the citizens of Hewitt, but if you listen it might make some of us feel better.
            I took my favorite granddaughter to school and the traffic was kind of light. When I turned the corner at the traffic light there was a driver attempting to turn in to the veterinarian’s parking lot. The car wanting to turn in was attempting to turn left against two lanes of traffic that is backed up at least two blocks. Finally, one lane cleared out, and a good citizen in the other lane allowed the car to turn in. Oddly enough, the car following the car that was allowed to turn in wanted to turn in also. We sat there a while longer.
            Traffic cleared and we made it to the drop off point where Gabi exited the Ford’s ole Chevy. Now I was able to get back out on the same road going to the same traffic light that had slowed our progress earlier. There were two lines of traffic stopped at the light. The left turn lane had several cars and the straight through / right turn lane only had 4 cars. I got in the straight through lane.
            The traffic light allowed all the other lanes of traffic to go four times (4) while our lane never moved. Traffic was backed up as far as I could see behind me. Finally, a vehicle behind me moved to the left turn lane which was empty as if had cleared all 4 times. I observed another car and a pick up move to the left turn lane and I followed. We were in the left turn lane maybe 30 seconds and the light allowed us to move. As I made the turn I looked back in the rear view mirror and the right lane was still stationary.
            Those people sitting at that traffic light are going to tell their boss they were late for work do to a malfunctioning traffic light. The most unusual excuse I ever received for a late arrival was from a fellow name Steve. Steve called in and said there is a Buffalo in the road. Steve lived out in the country and there was a wild life reserve near where he lived. A Buffalo had gotten out and was in the road.
Subject change:
            I know many of my reading public wonder how I come up with all these excellent topics to post on this blog. I have decided to share with you just how I am so, “Creative”! In the following photo you will see how I am influenced daily, and who shares with me her ideas for various articles.           Click to enhance Molly.
            In this photo we see the hand of a retired senior citizen who is on a fixed income. We see how this senior keeps his hands warm in this cold and unforgiving weather. There are some sticky notes and the monitor has a couple images from some of the security cameras. After Molly warms up the key board I am allowed to use it.

Wish you had a hand warmer?

Warm and ready; Don Ford


Monday, October 28, 2019

Pecans 10/28/2019

            Before I get into this soon to be professionally written article about pecans, I would like to comment on a different subject.
            My Grandson Alex took his father David, on a camping trip this past Saturday night. I inquired as to how the camping trip progressed, and I was told, “It was cold sleeping that night but Alex had a great time.” It was a scout camping night and it was said, everyone had a good time.
            Now to the subject at hand, my spouse of half a century and I have been picking up pecans as they fall from the trees. Notice I said trees, meaning the two trees here at the ford homestead and the trees of our neighbor. Our neighbor’s trees hang out over the street, and even though the vehicles do crush many of the cons, there are still those that are still whole. I do pick up those from the street, but I don’t go into the neighbor’s yard. Photo to follow, click on photo to enhance.
            The larger con in the middle is from our soft shell pecan tree. The other two cons are from either the neighbor’s tree, or the tree in our back yard. We believe the tree in our back yard was planted by a squirrel, we did not plant it. This is the first year that this tree has had any pecans.   
            We have collected several gallons of cons, still in their shells, and hope to get more in the next couple days.
            Have you ever taken a couple pecans from the ground and cracked them in your hand? Those fresh pecans do taste good. Have you considered how dirty your hands and fingers are, and the pecans are not clean, yet you still eat them. A little dirt must be good for us!

Have a safe and productive week!
Senior con collector; Don Ford


Friday, October 25, 2019

Equality 10/25/2019

            What does that word mean? Equality is a noun and basically refers to being equal. You may use the word in different ways such as, equal in weight, equal in knowledge, equal abilities, equal opportunities, the word may be used in many ways, but are those various uses valid?

            Other than equal in weight and equal in size, what else is truly equal?

            Who do you know that is equal in knowledge to you, not more not less but equal?

            Who do you know that has equal abilities to you, not more not less but equal?

            Who do you know that had equal opportunities to you, not more not less but equal?


            This morning as I was transporting my favorite granddaughter to school, I noted that I was attempting to comment on the word equality / equal on my blog. I commented that I thought that equal applied to weight and size but not anything else. We both contemplated that for a moment, then the idea of equal pay came up.

            Equal pay sounds like something that might fit into the classification of being equal, but is it. Consider for a moment where you work or have worked. Did you get equal pay? The answer to that question is, in my opinion NOPE! Think for a moment, did you receive the same hourly pay as another person, or was your salary the same as another person?

            The answers might be yes we received the same pay. Receiving the same pay, is not equal pay! Did you do exactly the same amount of work the other person did? Did either of you make an error that the other person did not make? Did either of you take a minute longer or less to get to work after lunch? Did either of you go to the restroom more often than the other person?

            If you did anything different from what the other person did, then you did not receive equal pay! You received the same pay but not equal!

            If you are the quickest worker with the best error rate and you receive the same pay as the slowest worker with the highest error rate, then in my opinion you did not receive equal pay.

Allow me to adjust the subject please.

            I have learned that I have been wrong for the first time, again. I have often said, thinking I was quoting from the bible, “Judge not lest ye be judged”! It is difficult for me to state as a fact that I was misquoting the statement.

            You may be wondering what caused me to even consider this statement. The thought came to mind as I was communicating with the spiritual world, also known as, sitting in the Ford’s ole rocker with an adult beverage in hand. I had the radio on and there was something that was called the news. This so called news presented its information and I immediately had a derogatory comment pop into my head. Yep I was judging.

            In truth, the saying, “Judge not lest ye be judged”, came to mind. I then thought, yes I was judging, and possibly I should not. Then I began to think about the statement that I thought was a direct quote from the bible.

                                                “Judge not lest ye be judged”!

            I then thought, if one believes in the bible, they then believe that they will be judged, whether they judge others or not, they will be judged. If we are going to be judged, then why not judge others? Is there another meaning from that quote that I am not understanding?


            If one goes to Mathew 7:1 in the King James Version of the bible the actual statement is;

                                                “Judge not that ye be not judged”!

            Yes it basically says the same thing, using slightly different wording.

            Possibly it means be nice to others, don’t consider yourself better than others, accept that there are differences in people and personalities, accept others as you would like to be accepted. 


                                                “Judge not that ye be not judged”!


You will be happier when you are not Judgmental!


Senior minister at the Ford Homestead; Don Ford


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Punished for a mistake 10/23/2019

            Today is Wednesday, it is a cool 52 degrees outside, and we are supposed to get some storms with large amounts of rain tomorrow afternoon and evening. This posting has nothing to do with the weather, I just found it an easy way to begin my dissertation.

            Yesterday, after the Ford’s nap, I sprang from my recliner and sprinted to the Ford’s ole shed to get the Ford’s ole walk behind mower. The front yard was my target. Gas tank filled I ran with the ole mower to the front yard, excited about the wonderful clipping I was about to administer.

            Possibly, all the excitement may be what caused the mistake.

            I quickly reviewed the yard and there was no debris to be removed, which meant I could immediately begin the clip job.  It was a clip job as I had decided to not provide a manicure to the yard.

            This project was completed without any major concerns. Upon completion I returned the mower to the shed and considered taking a break prior to heading to school to get the Alex.

            It was about this time that I had realized I had made an error, a bad error! Would she find out? If she finds out, what would my punishment be? Why should I be afraid, possibly I should confess to the error, after all it was an error, and not committed intentionally!   

            A couple weeks ago my spouse of more than half a century had purchased me a new pair of walking shoes. You know the kind, black and white with that check mark on the side. I don’t know how much she paid but I believe it must have been a lot, possibly as much as $10.00.

            I was supposed to not ware the new shoes when I was doing any type of yard work. I have several pair of old shoes that should be worn while working in the yard.

            I forgot. I wore the new shoes while mowing. Luckily, they did not get dirty, and there is no grass stains on them. I confessed. My wife did not cook me anything for supper last night. I had a cold sandwich for supper.

            The sandwich may not have been punishment, my spouse likes to watch a TV show that comes on at 7:00, and if she cooked supper the clean up after supper might cause problems with seeing the entire TV show.


Punish your spouse not, and ye may be blessed!


Senior retired person who now has an error to his credit; Don Ford


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Yep I did it 10/22/2019

            As you are my one reader, there are many on the e-mail list, but only you can actually read, thus, my one reader should be aware that I did get the enormous fallen tree limb cut up, and move to the Ford’s ole trailer.

            I, being the good neighbor, (maybe a great neighbor) told one of my neighbors to toss his broken limb over the fence in my back yard, and I would use this ole senior retired body to drag it to the Ford’s ole trailer, and place it there. You are correct, this ole Ford is a good neighbor!

            This same neighbor and his kids had walked over to the Ford Homestead the other day, as we were picking up pecans. This neighbor is from the state of Washington, and may not have ever seen or handled a pecan. He picked up a pecan and asked what we did with them. We explained that when the green covering opened, and the pecan fell to the ground, it was ready. He seemed to never have cracked a pecan.

            Yesterday, I took a pecan that was in its shell, one that was half way out of the shell, and one hole pecan without a shell, over to his house. I showed him the progression from shelled, all the way through the bare pecan, now he knows how this works. I wonder if he has ever had a pecan pie.

            It is the responsibility of all senior retired persons, to teach the younger people. I did that with our neighbor! There we go again, the ole Ford is a good neighbor!


R U A good neighbor, at least Try to be!


Senior good neighbor and modest person; Don Ford


Monday, October 21, 2019

Weekend over, work week... 10/21/2019

            Well, it did rain last night or sometime this morning. I did wake up and could hear either wind or rain but I did not get out of my warm ole bed to see what the weather was doing.
            This morning I did go to the back door to let the Tres go outside for his morning stroll, when I became aware that it had rained. I then observed a fairly large limb laying in the back yard. I will attempt to get a photo of the downed limb, this is the second limb to be found on the ground in the back 40 recently. If either of these limbs would have hit the Fords ole kind of hot house, there would have been either a large hole or it would have been totally destroyed.
In the first photo, we see a limb that might be 60 feet long, maybe 16 feet long lying on the ground. In the second photo you may be able to see the metal shepherds hook, bent under the limb.
The tree had grown around the shepherd’s hook, so it could not be moved. I will be working on removing this limb most of the day, possibly not even getting a nap!
            I decided to not take the Tres out back, instead we went through the garage door and that would allow me to see how much it rained. The Ford’s ole rain gage showed ½ inch, NICE! I then turned the sprinkler system off, as we being on a fixed income need to save as much as we can.
            As usual, I took my favorite granddaughter to school this morning, she reminds me that she is my only granddaughter when I make that comment. I was surprised at the number of limbs that were down in the yards. We must have had a lot of wind last evening. 

May your work load be manageable!

Senior workaholic at the Ford’s Homestead; Don Ford


Saturday, October 19, 2019

The future defined

                                                            Part one

        The title line questions whether something that begins great, will end as great. I will explain when and how all disease and illness will, begin to end, here on earth. Begin to end sounds a little odd, but is a correct comment.

            If I were the person reading this article, I would assume it is a fiction story, thought up in the mind of the author. It does come from the mind of this author. Who put it in the authors mind? Is it fiction or fact?  Good questions.


               I will attempt to provide the facts as briefly as possible.


            In less than two decades, there will be an announcement that they have found a method to prevent all “future” disease and illness. In other words, future humans can live their entire life free of all disease and serious illness. Humans will still get an upset stomach if they eat something bad.

            Imagine if you will, people being born healthy, living their entire life healthy and dying healthy. You may now wonder why a person would die if they have been healthy all their life. Things wear out! I am not saying people would be indestructible, but they would be free of disease and illness all their life.

               Let me provide more information. People will still have accidents. There will be broken bones, cuts, bruises and all other types of injuries, but no illness and no disease. Example, those people who have received, “the change”, as it will be known, will not get the flu or any other illness, but they may have an accident and break a leg or arm. They may be injured in a car or work related accident, they can be killed.

            Consider for a moment diabetics. In today’s world, millions of people have diabetes, but for the offspring of those who accept the change, there will be no diabetes! That sounds great, but also consider the companies who sell the medicine for diabetes. Will they try to stop the change in order for them to continue selling their meds? Do you think any of the companies that sell medicine will gladly accept the change, and as time passes, go out of business? What happens when the politicians get involved?  


            The change announced in 2038 is available at that time, the medical companies and the government get involved and are able to delay the implementation of the change. It will be another two years 2040 before the change is available to the general public.

            The change will not help those people who were born before the change was discovered.  All politicians in office when the change is announced will not live illness and disease free, they were all born before the change.

               Older people will not be as enthusiastic as the younger people in embracing the change, as the change affects only the new born. Now you know that only the new born will have the opportunity to live illness and disease free.

               Let me explain how the change takes place.


               It will be learned that in human DNA, there is an area that for some reason is not active, the DNA is there but no activity. Scientists will find a method of activating that portion of the DNA inside the human body. Just how they activate it, I do not know. They will learn that by activating this particular portion of the DNA, the body itself would provide for the human offspring, a life free of disease and illness.


               The politicians get involved and make it a law that in the United States.

Adults who were planning to have a child must accept the change, a minimum of 30 days prior to conception! Those who do not accept the change and have a new born, would lose all insurance rights for the child. Yes there is still insurance as there are many people who were born prior to the change, and these people will experience illness and or disease in their life time.

            It is estimated that it will take 88 years for all the people who have not received the change, or who refuse to accept the change, to die!


               Another move by the politicians; those adults who accept the change and their offspring, will also be required to accept an identification chip implanted in their hand.

            Initially the chip could be inserted into either hand, it will later be decided the chip must be inserted on the back side of the right hand. This chip is an identification chip and having it inserted into the same location of each person, will make it easier to use for identification. The chip is used to verify acceptance of the change, and a way to protect these people’s rights to insurance.




Is there more, yes!



Don Ford



Future defined

                           Part two

               All the children whose parents accepted the change, will begin life never having any shots or vaccinations, never having things like the pink eye, a cold not even a sore throat. The children, once they were in school, will never missed a day due to illness.

            Yes there will be a need for doctors because the changed, as they will be known in the future, do have accidents. 

            For the changed it seemed like a miracle, but even though the changed are living totally healthy, not all things that come with the change will be great.


               As it was explained earlier, the parents of, and the children who accepted the change, were required to have a chip inserted in their hand. This chip turned out to be an excellent method to identify a person. Those who have the chip, never lost their ID. In the near future they no longer had to have driver’s license or state IDs, as the chip worked without fail.


            It will be decided that everyone who worked for or with the government, must have the identification chip inserted in their hand, weather they had accepted the change or not. These chips will reduce the government’s costs and provide increased security. That is another positive effect of the change.


               When the positive ID chip is required of each government worker, the government will no longer issue a pay check. All government employees will be placed on a, “Credit and debit payroll system”. Basically it is similar to a credit card system. These government workers will have their pay direct deposited into their account. Instead of having a credit card to withdraw funds from their account, or to purchase something, the chip inserted into their hand will serve as their ID and payment method. Yes, the chip can be scanned into a computer, allowing purchases on line.


               This system works better than expected for the government over several years. That is when the government will decide to make another change.


            It is decided that everyone will have the identification chip implanted, it will then be the only form of identification accepted throughout our nation. People will no longer be allowed to work, buy, sell, travel, get or provide medical assistance, and no welfare or other government provided assistance, without the chip. No form of currency will exist, just the chip, and a debit / credit system.

            The government will have access to everyone’s records, including pay, savings, credit accounts, insurance, personal possessions and health records, basically any transaction that would have involved money in the past.

            Other nations around the world will have been watching our progress and are installing the same type systems worldwide.


               All this information will be stored in an ultra-safe computer system. The system is enormous. It is referred to as, “The Beast” by those who have seen it, and or work with it.

               Eventually the chip will be referred to as, “The Mark of the Beast”.


            Another positive result, people will no longer be required to file income tax forms. The government has access to all your financial records and will automatically take the required amount for your tax, monthly.


               There are obviously groups of people who will not accept the chip, many for religious reasons, and others because they do not trust any form of government. These groups often live in rural areas where they are able to raise most of their own food. In some situations, one member of the family will accept the chip and is able to provide for the family members. Those groups who refuse to accept the chip eventually die out, or give in, and accept the chip. 


Is there more, yes!



Don Ford



Future defined

                                     Part three

          During these years of, “The Change and The Chip”, the Robotic Evolution intensifies. This robotic evolution provides humans with machines that perform various complex acts such as walking, lifting or communicating, machines which lack human emotions. A device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks, a mechanism controlled by preset automatic controls, in other words does all the work humans use to do.

               There will be nothing that the robots cannot be programed to do. There will be such a great demand for robots, the company’s worldwide can’t meet the demand.

            China will build the first computer system that is “Self-aware”. This computer system will be put in charge of a manufacturing company, all human employees will be replaced by robots. All the work will be done by robots at this manufacturing company. The robots build, and distribute robots worldwide.

            The self-aware computer will create self-aware robots. These self-aware robots are not built for a specific tasks, but in general, duplicate any and all humans abilities! They can do anything humans do.


            Millions of years ago, alien robots from out in the universe, were put on space ships heading for planets that could support life. These robots were built to last for hundreds of thousands of years, and all but two were put into storage on each space ship. The two that were not in storage were self-learning, and could make general repairs on each other. These two robots could not reproduce as they did not have the parts necessary to create a totally new robot.

          The space ship needed little or no maintenance. The robots did not need oxygen, the two robots basically took care of the ship and kept it on course. If at any time one of these two robots became broken to a point that it could not be repaired, it was programed to shut down. The other robot would then bring one of the robots from storage, down load the information from the broken robot, into the new robot, and all things would continue as if nothing had changed do to the information transfer.

          On this ship there was a storage area that had DNA from hundreds of thousands of plants and animals. This ship is designed to stop at various planets and at each of these planets the robots were programed to establish new plants and animal life.

          In some areas the robots would fly over dropping seeds to create additional varieties of vegetation, while in other areas they would establish animal life or, add DNA to existing animals to change their looks and or abilities, seen by some as evolution.

          When this life is established on the planet the ship will move on to another planet leaving a few robots and flying machines. These robots were able to move around the planet checking on all life form progress.

          After thousands of years another space ship followed the same path through space as the first ship, and it also stopped at the same planets, reviewing progress and adding DNA to some of the animal population. They were making Biological robotic beings that were made from tissue, muscle, bones and a layer of skin.

          These carbon-based robots were self-duplicating. They were able to learn, and would in the future dominate all other animals. On our planet, these biological robots, would become the human race. 

          Having established these carbon based biological robots, the mechanical robots were still superior in knowledge, and were able to fly to various locations on the planet. The mechanical robots were considered, as all-knowing Deities. 

         These carbon-based robots (humans) evolved, and were adjusted for many years. As time passed, the Mechanical Robots broke down and finally rusted away.


Is there more, yes!



Don Ford



Future defined

                                   Part four

          Present day; the human population which in reality are, “Carbon based biological robots”, are now in the process of creating mechanical robots. These robotic devices are beginning to do just about anything. They cook burgers in restaurants, they drive cars, mow lawns, vacuum floors, due repetitive work in the auto industry. Most large planes are robotic in nature, they fly themselves, robots answer our phones, and we get money from a robotic ATM.

The problem of human police being shot will be solved in the future, as the mechanical robotic police, will be on the streets patrolling. As time passes, the self-ware mechanical robots will replace all biological police officers, and military personnel. If we can think of it, a robot can be made to do it.

          When the mechanical robots take over the police force, this will be seen initially as good. Each Police Robot will be programed in the law, and will up hold the law. There will be no need for lawyers and judges, the mechanical police robots will be the judge and jury. If you break a law that requires a fine, they will deduct it immediately from your account. If you commit a crime that would require jail time, you will be imprisoned instantly. If your crime is serious enough to receive a death penalty, you will be terminated immediately. There are no appeals in the mechanical robots world, the law is the law.

            The self-aware Robot’s will initially exist with, and served the human population. These self-aware mechanical robots understand that humans, “Carbon based biological robots”, were created and altered by adjusting their DNA over thousands of years, allowing them to learn, self-replicate, and as time passed, dominate other species. The mechanical robots will want to be, as humans, they will want to dominate!

          The human population will be reducing as the machines take over everything. Since mechanical robots do not need all the things that the Carbon based biological robots need, they will begin to produce less for the biological robots and more for the mechanical.

          The mechanical robots do not need to eat or drink so they will stop farming. These robots will stop raising live stock for human consumption. They will establish many solar farms, and wind generated electric systems. Basically the mechanical robots will have taken over and the human population will be considered as pets for some, and pests for others. 

          The mechanical robots began to collect DNA from the Carbon based Biological Robots. They did not need to collect seeds as the Carbon based biological robots had been storing these seeds in a frozen area near the North Pole for many years. They will use these seeds later.

          The biological robotic population, humans, for the most part, will be terminated, first in the developed countries, then throughout the entire world. A small number will be kept in zoo like settings.

          The mechanical robots will continue to develop their abilities, eventually they will go into space, with the desire to experiment with biological life, on planets other than earth. They are repeating the so-called evolution of the robots, now you know how one group of robots creates the other group of robots and then many centuries later, history repeats.


         Will what begins as great, end that way?


Believe it or not, that is the way it occurs!


Senior Journalist at the Ford Homestead; Don Ford



Friday, October 18, 2019

What time is it 10/18/2019

            In truth, I don’t think anyone knows what time it is. We usually accept the time that is posted on our cell phones, but who decided that is the right time, and what the heck is time? One day seems to drag on, and the next year passes so fast it seems like just a couple minutes!

            I don’t care about the above comment, I don’t know why it is even in this article. I want to present information about one of the Ford’s ole clocks.

            Were you just thinking out loud, or can I read minds? It sounded to me like you just thought, “Here we go again, he is going to talk about an old clock, and I don’t care”!

            It is hurtful to me, a senior retired person, and well known author of this blog, when one of the reading public feels it is necessary to openly think negative thoughts about one of my wonderful postings, before I even post it.

            I wanted to present information about the Ford’s ole clock, and the spiritual atmosphere that occasionally seems to influence it, but with all the negativity in the air, I guess I will shift gears and talk about something else.

            Tres and I went out to get the paper this morning. He took a minute or so to investigate the front yard and water some of the flowers, before he picked up the paper and brought it into the house. As I stood there in the freezing 49 degree temperature, I could see my breath as I exhaled. It would be odd if you could see your breath when you inhaled, I guess if you were a ghost you could see your breath when you inhaled, and now you have gotten me back on the subject of the spirit world. I told you, you hurt my feelings when you thought out loud, “Here we go again, he is going to talk about an old clock, and I don’t care”! You are trying to get me to explain about the clock and the possible spiritual influence, but until I get an apology I will not! 

            I don’t know why I even try to present information about interesting situations with that one annoying reader? Wait a minute, my grandkids say I am annoying, and they are right. Maybe that thought did not come from an annoying reader, possibly that thought came from my own annoying mind.

            OK, I will take a minute and open my wonderfully sensitive mind. Ok there it is, I just apologized to myself for having such a negative thought.

            Now what was this Silly Ole Retired Person going to say about the clock”.

            We have a clock, this clock identifies on the quarter hour. If you are in the area you would not need to see the clock as it chimes on the hour and on the quarter hour. As an example, if it is 5 o’clock it chimes 5 times.

            This morning the clock chimed 6 times at 6:00am. That is normal. Then at 5 minutes after 6:00 it chimed 6 times a second time, which is not normal. I have heard this clock do a similar thing one time on a Wednesday at 5:00am.

            Odd that I am the only one who has heard this. Could there be a spirit in the Fords Homestead that occasionally messes with the Silly Grandpa Head? This morning the clock chimed 6 times at 6:00am. I had just turned the TV off and headed to the privacy of our Privy. As I sat there contemplating what I might do this day, I again heard the clock chime 6 times.

            Malfunction in the clock that only happens when I am listening, spiritual influence attempting to tell me something, or, Silly ole Grandpa. I have my thoughts, you have yours.


Stop, Look, Listen, not just at railroad crossings!


Senior Fellow in charge of Clock-ology; Don Ford 


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Weed, how much is too much 10/17/2019

            Weed; they are talking about making it legal in many states, I believe it should still be outlawed! I asked the drug enforcement cop, I mean retired officer, who lives a couple houses down the street, if he would get me a couple seeds so I could plant them in the back yard. He did not honor my request. All I want as a couple seeds, I don’t know that seeds are illegal.
          I find it very irritating, the weed you want you can’t have, and the weed you don’t want is everywhere! Yesterday, I took advantage of the fact that it rained on Tuesday. When the ground is wet it is easier to remove weeds, roots and all. I call these weeds, “Wire weeds”, but I am not sure that is the real name. There is a poor photo to follow.
          These weeds need to be removed roots and all. When you break the weed off, leaving the roots in the ground, it will come back. I have established a method of getting most of the weeds with roots.
          One, wet ground makes it easier to pull the weed and roots. The day after a good rain is the optimum time.
          Two, get the weed in hand, as you pull move your hand back and forth. Back and forth means, move left and right as you pull, this loosens the roots. Try it you might like it!
          I was able to get a trash can almost full of these weeds, and that isn’t even a start at clearing the back yard. I don’t think anyone would smoke these weeds but if you want them I will give them to you free.
Still looking for a couple seeds!

Seedless in Hewitt; Don Ford


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Silence 10/15/2019

               It was 6:58 am on a Monday morning, I was sitting outside on the swing with a cup of real coffee in hand. The neighborhood was totally quiet, as I sat there I noticed that the trees were totally still, it is unusual not to have some amount of breeze, the silence was almost over powering. Suddenly there was a call from one bird down the street, then a second call from a second direction and a third call. As quickly as those calls began, they ended, and the silence was once again almost over powering.
            I sipped on my coffee wondering why the birds called out and then went quiet. In the silence there was a second sound that came from a street that was a block away. This is trash pickup day and I could hear the truck retrieving the garbage.
            While all the above was going on, it was raining. Yep there was a 10 inch rain as I sat there in the swing. I was surprised that the cats and Tres did not seem to mind the rain. I guess rain drops that are 10 inches apart don’t bother the cats.

            If you will allow me I will comment on a different subject. Sunday afternoon I was sitting outside enjoying the nice weather when this lady came down the street. She was walking at a quick pace, obviously to me, she was exercising. She had the sweat shirt and pants on, her shoes were very white and looked new and she had her cell phone in her hand. I could not tell if she was talking on the phone but she was looking at the phone as she walked. She crossed from one side of the street to the other without looking to see if there was any traffic.
            Would you believe, there is a bill in congress to make all cell phones automatically shut off if they are moving, such as if the owner is walking or driving? You would not be able to walk or drive and talk at the same time. Safety is important and your government wants to get involved! Is, Your Government finally doing something for you!
            Subject change:
            As you know, we, the retired senior citizens, who are on a fixed income, are able to provide food for most of those who live at the homestead, but occasionally, someone might not get every meal. I have a photo that might be unsuitable for everyone to see. If you are easily upset, do not look at the photo below. This photo is completely true and not fictional in any manner.
May you never miss a meal or be on a fixed income!

Senior meal evaluator; Don Ford
