
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Done with August 08/31/2019

            What do you mean asking what I have done this morning! I have been busy and you have the nerve to ask me want I have done! If I were you, I would not bother others by asking irritating questions.
            Even though it is none of your business what I have been doing, I will overlook your arrogance and allow you to have an insight into my morning activities here at the Ford Homestead.
            Several years ago we purchased a new refrigerator. It had problems. They gave our money back. We purchased another new fridge. The old fridge was placed in the garage. The old fridge needed to be defrosted. I defrosted it this morning.
            The above paragraph covered about 6 years of Ford history. Happy? 
            Not that I need to tell you but, I did water the black berries, new patch and old patch this morning, along with the flowers along the back of the homestead. Now that we have Saturday morning out of the way, I will revert to some past history. Angel is finished and placed at the Ford’s ole tree. I had help placing it as it is big and heavy. Photo to follow.
            I have another photo of past work history.

Too much work for a senior person!

Senior rest master; Don Ford


Friday, August 30, 2019

Error found 08/30/2019

            As I sat here in front of the Ford’s ole computer attempting to think of something to write, that no one would read, I noticed an error here in the Ford’s ole office.
            When I saw the error, I corrected it immediately. I then took a photo so you could see the corrected version.
            I have a tendency to criticize anyone who has this same situation, and I can’t understand why I had not noticed it earlier. This error has to do with flags. The American flag should always be a little higher than state flags or other flags. The error was, both flags were at the same height.
            In the photo the Texas flag is now slightly lower than the American flag. Although the flag doesn’t look a lot lower, in real life it is a good ¼ inch lower. To the left we see our sons and their wives. To the right we see a mirror with part of my face in it, the mirror allows me to see who is behind me without turning around.
            There is a holiday this weekend, try to not rest! You might want to volunteer to work! The holiday is Labor Day, which I assume means you should labor all that day!
Subject change:
            I have labored all morning (Friday) and have completed the lighting of the angel. That means I will not be forced to Labor on Labor Day! Photo to follow.
This photo was taken in the garage, it should look better outside at night. 

Enjoy Labor Day while you work your tail off! J

Senior holiday describer: Don Ford

            I will not Labor on Labor Day, I hope!        


Team effort 08/30/2019

        My spouse of 50 years and I worked together on the angel project today. Was it a team effort? It was a team effort for at least 87% of the time. Did we get done? Nope! Will we finish it today? We had better finish it today or I might be in trouble. (Our efforts in this project cause me to think about team work.)

        We are putting rope lights on the angel, tying it on with white wire ties. I used all the wire ties I had here at the homestead, and then I had to purchase 200 more. This is not fun but if we get it completed it will be nice!

        Photo if we ever get done.



We have all heard of team work, you know, where more than one person is working toward a goal. All too often the so-called team members are not working as partners for the same outcome. When one or more of the, “Team members”, does not due their share, the entire team suffers. This happens all too often!

Team work at an employer is all too often not really a team effort. If you are in charge you should take a real look at what’s going on. Many managers think they know what’s going on because they get input from a chosen few. If you want some good input, stop doing what you have been doing and get involved. Get an outsider to help you review. Those who are retiring, could tell you a lot, if you ask.

            Ask and you shall learn!

            Look and you will find!

            Do what you have been doing and you will get the same crap! 


            Too many of those in charge can’t see the trees due to the forest (aka, don’t understand what is really going on)!



May your day be filled with real team work!

Senior Crap-ologists and all round know it all; Don Ford


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Still nothing to do 08/28/2019

        When there is nothing to do, one should look to the angels to keep them occupied. Even though my spouse of 5 decades is angelic, she is not an angel. There is only one angel in our neighborhood, and it isn’t any of the neighbors.
        My present wife has allowed me to be with an angel almost all in white. Actually, I ran out of white paint or I would be done with this forced labor I mean angelic project. Photo to follow.
        When I again get enough money to purchase a can of white spray paint, I will then attempt to complete this project. It is our intent to light it this time with rope lights. In the past we have used those small white Christmas lights. If we ever finish this project I will try to remember to post a photo of the, “Angelic project of the Fords”!
        I have another photo that was taken through the chain link fence and it is of a wild flower. It is growing in the ditch behind the house, even after the city had weed killer sprayed throughout the city ditches. City contractors do poor work!
        Well that is all from the Ford homestead lead author. I need to start getting ready to go pick up the Alex from school. He likes it if I go to the chicken place and get him a sweet tea but that takes money. If I wasn’t on a fixed income…

Nice Homesteads have angels around!

Senior nice person at the homestead; Don Ford


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

No one asked 08/27/2019

            As the title line states, “No one asked”, so I will answer the non-existing question. One might query, if it is non-existing, how can it be a question. I don’t know how to answer that, so I will just provide my thoughts.
            No one asked about the Ford’s new wall mount in the garage, so I will enlighten. If someone had asked, “Is it stationary or is it moveable”, I would have answered with an additional photo. The photo would have shown that the wall mount is movable.
            Also no one asked if I got it at the freight store for about ten dollars. I did!

            Yesterday morning when the back yard was mostly in shade, I ventured forth, and using the Ford’s ole string trimmer, I did remove weeds all around the yard. Completing said task, I then departed the back 40 and went to the front yard. The sun was shining and it was very hot, but I was able to trim the north, east and south property boundaries, in prep for the lawn manicuring after the noon repast and nap.
            The front yard was mostly shaded, I was able to accomplish the goal.

            I now must leave you as I am heading to the back 40 to mow before the temperature gets too high.

May your day be filled with cool air!

Yardologists and senior nap taker; Don Ford


Monday, August 26, 2019

Decided to use it 08/26/2019

            Now if a person was inquisitive at all, they would be wondering what in the heck had The Ford decided to use. I can see that you don’t care at all, so I will continue just cause I want to.
            Wow, I just heard four sharp and loud tones! My first thought was a smoke detector, but it wasn’t. I walked into the Ford’s ole kitchen and my present wife had a pressure cooker cooking something. It had completed, and the tone was its way if saying, “I am done”!  
            Let me change the subject a little. This morning I was on my way home from taking the Gabi to school. I stopped at the stop light, the light was red. They have crossing guards at this light. I watched the one crossing guard as she blew her whistle to get drivers attention.  She carried a stop sign that had flashing lights on it. I thought to myself how dumb this person was. The stop sign she carried with flashing lights should have been facing the vehicles she was stopping. Most of the time the sign was not facing the traffic. They pay these people to do this. She is as dumb as me!
            Changing the subject again!
            When I purchased the TV I now use as my computer monitor, I also purchased a wall mount for it, which I never used. The other day I happened to see said mounting bracket, and thought I might want to mount it on the wall in the garage. One should not purchase items that they don’t use. Photo to follow.
            Yep I mounted it over the window. What? You want to know about the hat? Come on, I am talking about a wall mount for a TV and you are looking at the hat. Actually there are three hats there, you just can’t see them.
            Let’s change the subject again, maybe you can stay focused on this subject.
            My spouse and I went out to brunch Sunday and on the way home we stopped at the Mart. My spouse of 50 years needed some spray paint and I wanted to look at a TV antenna. As we walked through the Mart we saw a four foot shop light, it is LED and was priced right. We purchased the light. It is brighter than the four foot florescent fixture and uses half the electric. I replaced one of the old fluorescent fixtures. I may move it to a different location and if we like it there, I may also replace the other fluorescent. 
            Above is the new light, stop looking at the ceiling! The popcorn has fell off most of the garage ceiling. Seniors on a fixed income can’t afford to have things like the garage ceiling fixed.

I hope you don’t have to work outside in the heat today!

Senior installer for the Ford Homestead; Don Ford


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Messing around 08/24/2019

            I have been working on two projects, one that my spouse of 5 decades wanted me to do, and one that I wanted to do.
            My first wife’s project was to bring the angel into the garage and remove all the lights. For your information, (I would have used the acronym FYI, but some students may not understand FYI) the angel is 7 foot tall and had I believe 800 lights on it. Each light was secured to the angel with a black wire tie, of which each had to be cut off, one at a time. That part of the grueling work is complete. We now need to paint the angel white, and apply new lights. This is the third time I have been allowed to light the angel.
            Instead of the white Christmas lights that we have used in the past, my first wife has purchased rope lights.          Lots of fun ahead!

            Then there is my project, a device to cut the grass around the sprinkler heads. As you should know, I had purchased a device to do that work, but it was short and I would need to bend over to cut the grass. I have now purchased and modified a new device. Photos to follow. 
Photo one is the unit after some modification. I needed to expand the opening to fit around the sprinkler. I also cut off a portion of the end making it even all the way around. 

Photo two we see the sprinkler head in front of the new device. 

Photo three, the device is around the head ready to cut the grass.

Now you see how exciting being retired can be.

              Wish you were retired? 

Always occupied with wonderfully stimulating projects; Don Ford


Friday, August 23, 2019

Inventor extraordinaire 08/23/2019

            Being on a fixed income is not always good, or bad. I would enjoy being able to have some of the nice things that you guys, who are not on a fixed income, have. When one is on a fixed income they are allowed to dream and wish, but if they are to have, they must be inventive.      That is me, inventive!
            I do have a so-called smart phone, you know, one that they no longer make. I have wanted to be able to purchase a vinyl shock absorbing cover for this phone. I saw one on line that looked like wood grain. If only I had an extra $7.95, free shipping, I could have my dream cover.
            Being a dreamer, I decided to invent my own beautifully different cover. I should tell you, my phone has a clear vinyl shock resistant cover on it. I took a few moments to consider my situation. Suddenly, the clouds cleared, and I could see clearly. I know how to get the cover of my choice, while adhering to the strict fixed income code. I will make my own cover.
            The idea is simple enough that you could have thought of it! As the lead thinker here at the Ford Homestead, I decided to print a photo of something special. I would then cut the photo to the correct size to fit in the clear vinyl cover. I can have just about any one of a kind, personalized cover, that I want.
            My favorite granddaughter has a shirt that is aimed at me. The shirt states, “You’ve annoyed me”! It is true, I can be annoying to those around me, including grandees. I have a photo of her with the shirt on, and I will put this photo on the back of my cell phone.
Would you believe, this process is patent pending so don’t try to steal my invention. You are supposed to be looking at the cell phone with a photo of my granddaughter, not the dog laying in the floor near the dishwasher.
You are correct, I have learned to live on a fixed income!

Senior inventor and informer; Sir Don the Ford     


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Interesting 08/22/2019

            As I was meditating in the driveway of the Ford’s Homestead, or, I might have been walking home from the neighbor’s home, whatever I was doing, I saw something that caused me to take a photo.
            This spectacular sight might have meant something if it was in the eastern sky. It was in the west so I assume, it may not have a biblical meaning.

Are you ready for what’s coming?

Senior person in charge of getting ready; Don Ford


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday 08/21/2019

            I took the Gabi to school this morning (second day of school) and the traffic was not nearly as bad as yesterday, possibly one half to two thirds less traffic. J
            After returning from delivering Gabi to the school I sat with my spouse of 50 years on the Ford’s swing. As we reminisced about the morning, I noticed that our cat Charlie was looking at some flowers, we call Four O’clocks, photo to follow.  Who knew cats like flowers!
            Changing the subject, the lower ice maker in the Ford’s ole fridge has not been working for I believe 4 weeks now. The repair person came today and took the old one out and put the new one in. It only took him a few minutes and he left. I came in here to type into my computer when I heard something sound as if an item fell, in the kitchen. I knew the cats were outside, so it could not be them. I decided to investigate. Arriving at the refrigerator I could hear the water running inside, I assumed it was filling the new ice maker. When the water stopped (it only runs for a few seconds) I opened the lower drawer, the ice maker had fallen it was not attached. Nice Job?
            I quickly called the fellow and he said, he would need to get some larger screws. He then said, that one of the screw holes was stripped out! I wonder, if he knew the one screw was stripped out, why he did not get the bigger screws the first time he was here.
            He came back fairly quick and inserted the new screws. That type work along with past problems is another reason I do not like his service.

Whatever you do, do it the best you can!

Senior person who does all his work the best he can, most of the time; Don Ford


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Oak trees and acorns 08/20/2019

            We have three red oak trees in the Homesteads front yard. These trees have acorns like crazy, yep I have raked them, swept them with a broom (the broom works good) and vacuumed them. It is a never ending process, starting this time of year through the time the leaves have fallen. Click on the photo below and see the groups of acorns on these small limbs.

            I have another photo (below) of limbs that I picked up from the front yard, and that was a lot of work for a senior person.
            Would you believe, we had a wind storm yesterday here in Hewitt and all these limbs were blown out of the trees here at the homestead? I had to pick each of these limbs up and carry them to the drive way. Once the yard was clear I then carried them out to the Ford’s ole trailer. I was hot and sweaty after the work was completed. Shower required!
            I have another photo taken Monday morning. This photo is taken from the roof of the Fords ole house. 

           An ole senior person was on our roof trimming the oak trees, some of the limbs were almost touching the roof and needed to be cut back. No, we did not have a wind storm, I said, “Would you believe”!
            There is no rest for the retired seniors on a fixed income!

            School starts on Tuesday here in Hewitt and we will be taking Gabi to school, and picking Gabi and Alex up each day. The bad part about this is the heat, as one waits in their vehicle at the school in the afternoon.
            I may have been wrong! The heat in the afternoon is bad but, my first wife and I drove Gabi to school today. We left the Homestead at 7:40am and we arrived back at the Homestead at 8:30am. It is about one mile from the Homestead to the Jr. High school. School starts at 8:10am and there were still hundreds of cars in line at that time. There is three grade schools and a High school within a mile of the Homestead. Does that say traffic jam? I also understand they have consolidated the Jr. High, which adds hundreds of students, to be in our way on the way to school.
            Another school situation, Alex in the 4th grade did not want his mother to walk in with him. I guess he is becoming independent. That is tough on Mom!

First day of anything, can be challenging!

Senior problem solver; Don Ford


Monday, August 19, 2019

Ventures 08/19/2019

            Saturday, the Ford family ventured out for a noon repast. The entire group was present and we all had a good meal, lots of enjoyable conversation. Prior to leaving the Homestead I ask Alex (youngest person in the group) where he would like to go. He replied, let’s go to the steak house. We went to the one that has a Horn in its name (I try to not advertise without pay).
            Although the food was good, the service was less than expected. The server did not seem to be interested in providing us with quick service. There was a variety of items ordered since there were eight of us eating. It took a while for the food to arrive and it basically came out for one person at a time. I estimate that it was close to five minutes from the time the first meal arrive and the last. My spouse of 5 decades received her food last. Most of us were eating, before she received her food. The food was good just not served as a group.
            After the meal, we had started for the Homestead when I decided to take a detour and drive over to a vehicle dealer, and view some of the cars. Ole senior retired people on a fixed income can look all they like, but can’t buy the nice items that the rest of humanity can. A photo to follow. 
            We have thought about a convertible vehicle for some time. The idea was, after selling the bike we could have a convertible, and when you drive it with the top down, it would be somewhat like riding a bike. It would be nice, but being on a fixed income one can only dream!
            Our daughter-in-law took the time to show me how to use some of the features on Facebook. I have looked at the Facebook when someone would post something, but I have not been a person to post on Facebook. I don’t know that I will be posting but I can, if I feel the need.            
            Got to go, today is Sunday and we are heading out to brunch.
            We had brunch at the usual place and the service, if you can call it that, was less than desirable. My first wife and I sat at the table for close to 10 minutes without a server arriving. The manager was walking around and she ask if we had placed our drink order yet. We had not! She took the order and it was another 4 minutes before we received our drinks.
            Our server finally arrived and apologized saying he was new and just learning what to do. He took our order and my food arrived, it was good. I was taking a bite of my food when I started laughing. I looked at my present wife and she started laughing. She knew why I was laughing! She was the last to get her food yesterday, and it happened again today!
            I had drank my coffee and our server was nowhere to be seen. I stopped another server and asked him to ask our server to refill my coffee. I got a second cup of coffee, but it wasn’t from our server.
            I know the server is new, I left a tip, it was appropriate for the service provided.
May your dreams come to fruition!
                        (For that one person, Fruition, means, completion or finalization)

Seniors on a fixed income, shouldn’t have dreams; Don Ford


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nice quiet Birthday 08/15/2019

            Thanks to everyone who offered their condolences I mean congratulations for being a very old person. I appreciate the calls, cards, text messages, and face book posts. One friend brought a really good cake, and another friend brought me a Bloody Mary to enjoy as I sat on the Ford’s new rocker. I did get a free cold drink from the star coffee place. It was a nice and quiet birthday! J
If you did not read yesterday’s posting, (shame on you) then you should not read todays. Someone left an anonymous comment;
   ...I would have thought that it was the first anniversary of the young lad's birth...
        This person’s comment is correct, it was the anniversary of the lad’s day of        birth. But the point was that the reporter said, Congratulations on your first        birthday”. The lads first birthday was the day he popped out of his mother.

Not much going on here at the Ford homestead today, I do need to go get a LP gas tank filled. Maybe I will get a nice day of rest, aka good nap!

May your birth anniversary be as good as mine was!

Senior very old person; Don Ford


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Birthday explained 08/14/2019

            Before you comment allow me to comment. Today is my birthday but that is not the subject of this soon to be well written article.

            This morning as with most mornings I sat on the Ford’s ole recliner with a cup of fake coffee. As I sipped the fake coffee, wishing I had a cup of real coffee, the person on the so-called local news was announcing birthdays. One of the photos was of a little person who was one year old. The reporter said, “Congratulations on your first birthday”. This reporter was either ill-educated, or he was just reading something that was written by some stupid person. If a reporter was using their brain, they could have looked at the photo of the little boy and known, it was not his first birthday.

            Different subject;

            Yesterday, my spouse of 50 years talked me into going to one of those big box stores to purchase her a new BBQ grill. (Do you know that the word for BBQ is, “Barbecue”? When was the last time you saw that word?) When we arrived at the store we learned that the grill she wanted was 50 dollars off, and my wife had a $10 coupon. We bought a grill.

            The grill was placed on a cart and pushed to where we were. We then pushed it to the check out. After paying we headed to the Ford’s ole pickup. The grill was in a large carton and it was heavy. Do you think anyone offered to help this ole senior man get the carton off the cart, and into the bed of the truck? No one offered, but I did get it loaded.

            Arriving at home I went to work assembling the grill. The instructions were perfect, they did not have words, just accurate drawings of step by step information on how to assemble the unit. My kind of instructions!

My first wife had to cook on the new grill last evening, just to verify that it worked.    It did!

            What? You say my first comment was not clear. All you need to do is think about what the news guy said. Ok, I don’t know why I even try, but I will explain.

            The kid was one year old today. (Birthdays are anniversaries of the day a person was born.) The news guy said, “Congratulations on your first birthday”. If a person is one year old, it is their second anniversary of their birthday! The first birthday was when they were born, the second anniversary of their birthday is when the have lived for one year.


Come on, even I understand that!


Senior person of understanding. Don Ford


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Good deed of the day 08/13/2019

            The following is a short representation of events that occurred on August 11th, 2019.

My spouse of over 50 years and I had gone to brunch as usual on a Sunday. On the way home we stopped and one of those farm and home stores were we purchased a replacement rocking chair. We had been discussing this purchase for some time now. We had seen the chair in a previous visit, and the price had been reduced by 60 dollars. We again reviewed the chair and my spouse had a five dollar coupon, so that means a total of 65 dollars off. When we arrived at the checkout I asked for a senior discount, they only give them on Wednesday. I asked for a military veteran discount which I received, that is another five dollars off, 70 dollars off regular price. I could have asked for a first responder discount, but they only give one discount per purchase. 

            Chair purchased, at home I found that the instructions sucked. There is no other word that described the instructions. If it had not been for the color photo on the outside of the box, I would have taken much longer to put it together. It took over three hours to put the chair together.

            By the way, when I completed the chair, my spouse was the first to sit on it. Yep, I worked my fingers to the bone and she jumped on it first!    No respect!

            I said all that to get you to this point. After the rocker was completed, tools put away, my present spouse’s vehicle placed in the garage, my spouse of 5 decades and I, acquired adult beverages and sat outside the garage door in an effort to enjoy the late afternoon. I was on the Ford’s NEW rocker, enjoying my well-deserved beverage. That is when we heard a bird making a lot of noise. We determined it was inside the garage. I went into the garage but could not find a bird. I returned to the Ford’s new rocker and started to sip my beverage, when we again heard a bird. This time I was a little quieter as I enter the garage and there he / she was, a baby sparrow.

            He / she was on the hood of my first wife’s vehicle. I carefully caught this young bird and started out of the garage, when it got away from me. He / she was able to fly a little, but I re-caught the baby. I took the bird to the tree and put him up on a limb. He / she began to climb higher in the tree and that is when an adult came to his / her aid.

            That was my good deed. Will this baby remember that I am a friend?


Some simple actions can be good deeds. Both the bird and I felt good!


Senior good deed doer; Don Ford


Monday, August 12, 2019

Anything to do 08/12/2019

            The flag is one I used on the Gold Wing antenna. Since I have no bike I have displayed it on a piece of old wood. Bids start at $28,000.

            In the above photo you might be able to see the dirt around the berry vines. I put in a lot of work and there is more work needed.

            Saturday afternoon the heat was only 100 degrees, while 80% of the front yard was in shade. I decided to mow while collecting the grass clippings.

               Above we see two enemies who are taking a break from fighting. It was too hot to move around.

            The ford’s ole rocker is going into retirement. It is being replaced by the unit below.

May you not be replaced by something newer!

Senior replaced person; Don Ford
