
Friday, August 24, 2018

Robot evolution! 08.24.18

             “Robot evolution as it pertains to earth

                 I should say, I will try and not say Robut, as my grandson has corrected me explaining that it is Robot! Alex should understand, his grandpa (me) is from Missouri, and we were taught to talk differently there!

          What is a robot? It depends on who is asking. From the human point of view, a robot is, a machine that performs various complex acts such as walking, lifting or communicating, a machine which lacks human emotions. A device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks, a mechanism controlled by preset automatic controls. 

            From the Mechanical Robot’s point of view, a robot is, a being such as a human, who has been created and altered by adjusting their DNA over thousands of years allowing them to self-replicate, learn, and as time passes, dominate other species.

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          Millions of years ago, alien robots from out in the universe, were put on space ships heading for planets that could support life. These robots were built to last for hundreds of thousands of years, and all but two were put into storage on each space ship. The two that were not in storage were self-learning, and could make general repairs on each other. These two robots could not reproduce as they did not have the parts necessary to create a totally new robot. Robot one and robot two will be their identities.

          The space ship needed little or no maintenance. The robots did not need oxygen, the two robots basically took care of the ship and kept it on course. If at any time one of these two robots became broken to a point that it could not be repaired, it was programed to shut down. The other robot would then bring one of the robots from storage, down load the information from the broken robot into the new robot, and all things would continue as if nothing had changed do to the information transfer.

          On this ship there was a storage area that had DNA from hundreds of thousands of plants and animals. This ship is designed to stop at three planets and at each of these planets the robots were programed to establish new plants and animal life. In some areas the robots would fly over dropping seeds to create additional varieties of vegetation, while in other areas they would establish animal life or, add DNA to existing animals to change their looks and or abilities, seen by some as evolution. When this life is established on the planet the ship will move on to another planet leaving two robots and a flying machine. These two robots were able to move around the planet checking on all life form progress, but unable to communicate with the space ship.

          After about a hundred thousand years another space ship followed the same path through space as the first and it also stopped at the same planets, reviewing progress and adding DNA to some of the animal population. They were making Biological robotic beings that were made from tissue, muscle, bones and a layer of skin. These carbon-based robots were self-duplicating. They were able to learn, and would in the future dominate all other animals. These biological robots, would become the human race. 

          Having established these carbon based biological robots, the mechanical robots were still superior in knowledge, and were able to fly to various locations on the planet. The mechanical robots were considered, as all-knowing and for lack of a better term, God like.

          Humans evolved, and were adjusted for many years. As time passed, the Mechanical Robots broke down and finally rusted away.

          Present day; the human population which in reality are, “Carbon based biological robots”, are now in the process of creating mechanical robots. These robotic devices are beginning to do just about anything. They cook burgers and restaurants, they drive cars, mow lawns, vacuum floors, due repetitive work in the auto industry. Most large planes are robotic in nature, they fly themselves, robots answer our phones, and we get money from a robotic ATM. Consider what your phone does, it answers questions, gives you directions, allows you to communicate with people on the other side of the world.

          The problem of human police being shot will be solved in the near future, as the mechanical police robots will be on the streets patrolling.  If we can think of it, a robot can be made to do it. 

          In the future from today, and I am talking about less than 100 years, robots will be doing all the work that humans use to do. In that 100 years people will basically do nothing. The human population will be reducing as the machines take over everything. The mechanical robots become self-learning and self-replicating. Since mechanical robots do not need all the things that the Carbon based biological robots need, they will begin to produce less for the biological robots and more for the mechanical.

          The mechanical robots do not need to eat or drink so they will stop farming. These robots will stop raising live stock for human consumption. They will establish many solar farms, and wind generated electric systems. Basically the mechanical robots will have taken over and the human population will be considered as pets for some, and pests for others. 

          When the mechanical robots take over the police force, this will be seen initially as good. Each Police Robot will know the law, and will up hold the law. There will be no need for lawyers and judges, the mechanical police robots will be the judge and jury. If you break a law that requires a fine, they will deduct it immediately from your account. If you commit a crime that would require jail time, you will be imprisoned instantly. If your crime is serious enough to receive a death penalty, you will be terminated immediately. There are no appeals in the mechanical robots world, the law is the law.

          The mechanical robots began to collect DNA from the Carbon based Biological Robots, which had the traits they considered as superior. They did not need to collect seeds as the Carbon based biological robots had been storing these seeds in a frozen area near the North Pole for many years. They will use these seeds later.

          The biological robotic population, humans, for the most part, will be terminated, first in the developed countries, then throughout the entire world. A small number will be kept in zoo like settings.

          The mechanical robots will continue to develop their abilities, eventually they will go into space, with the desire to experiment with biological life, on planets other than earth. They are repeating the so-called evolution of the robots, now you know how one group of robots creates the other group of robots and then many centuries later it repeats.

Believe it or not, that is the way it occurs!


Senior Journalist at the Ford Homestead; Don Ford


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