
Friday, August 3, 2018

Friday the 3rd 08.03.18

            then I thought, does the 3rd have any of the values that the 13th has? After some research here at the Ford Homestead’s Development of Understanding All Things, we have determined that the 3rd has the same value as the 13th, which is, “In the eye of the beholder”! What’s in the eye of the beholder, who knows!


            I basically over slept this morning, which is unusual, as neither Charlie nor Tres woke me up. I had stayed awake almost two hours later than usual last evening, which I assume cause me to sleep in. My alarm clocks Charlie and Tres were both still sleeping, when I pulled my body from the Ford’s ole bed. 

            Last evening, as I was watering the black berries, I noticed that the temperature wasn’t too hot. Could I work in this moderate temperature? I decided to remove the rest of the old briers from the small patch. I procured my knee pads, gloves and my cutter (aka lopping sheers) along with a bucket to put the clippings in.

            It must have been quite a sight seeing this retired senior citizen on my knees, praying that I did not get stuck by those stickers, again! After I removed the rest of the old bushes, I tied some of the new growth up. This is done for one reason, so I or anyone can walk around the small patch without getting injured. Did you know that the leaves on the black berries have stickers on them? I do!


            OK, I have waited long enough. Either that one reader isn’t reading or, he /she is not being observant. The first line of this wonderful but short posting, began in the middle of a comment, and no one pointed that out to me.


Feelings hurt, I must rest, and possibly cry in my coffee!

                                                             It isn’t even real coffee, it is instant coffee, now I will cry more.


Under appreciated and often neglected;        Don Ford  

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