
Friday, August 24, 2018

Is it hot? 08.24.18

            As the title suggests, the question is, “Is it hot”, but possibly it should be, “Is the heat worse for some”.

            Yesterday afternoon the temp hit 103 again. Yesterday was the 47th day this year when our temps have reached 100 or higher. Now that is not the subject of this soon to be well written article, as we are not even close to the record of 90 days back in 2011.

            It was that time of the day known as happy hour, you know, about 5:00 pm somewhere, when I made my way out to the Fords ole rocker. I did notice that the temperature was a little above 100, so I did turn the fan on and pointed it at the ole rocker. I place my beverage on the table next to me and thought, it would be nice to have the Tres out here with me. Tres came out and did a quick survey of the yard, walked over to his favorite tree and lifted his leg. The grass don’t grow there!

            I had just gotten comfortable in the ole rocker when I noticed Tres heading for the door to the Homestead. Did he not want to be outside with his human? Evidently not! He sat there at the door until I let him back in the house. He proceeded to the kitchen and lay down on the cool tile floor for a nice long nap.

            I walked back outside to the ole rocker and sat there in the heat of the day. As I sat there I began to wonder, why I wanted to sit outside in the heat, when I could be inside enjoying the air conditioning. I usually sit out there and occasionally wave at a passerby, mostly out of habit. I then got out of the ole rocker and went back into the Homestead.

            What? You think Tres is smarter than me!          You might be right.


The end!


Don Ford

    There will be a second posting today. You may not want to read it, as it come from my mind.



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