
Saturday, August 18, 2018

How big is little 08.18.18

               Now with a provocative title like that, you must be thinking that this author is either very clever, or possibly very unwise. I am suggesting that clever be the term for this journalist.
            This article begins with a senior person carrying his radio and jar of peanuts out to the table next to the Ford’s ole rocker. This senior was preparing for the usual sit and wave session that occurs most afternoons. As I walked toward the table, I saw a small item on the driveway. I placed the radio and jar of peanuts on the small white table. I was on my way back to the house when I again saw the little object on the driveway. I was careful not to step on it as I walked past.
            I retrieved my cold beverage from the house and sauntered back to the ole rocker. I again observed the little item that lay on the drive, and I decided to get a photo for your enjoyment. As I placed my drink on the table I almost dropped it. Wow that could have ruined my whole afternoon.
            I pulled the Ford’s ole, yet somewhat new cell phone, out of my pocket, and set it in the camera mode. In order to show the actual size, I inserted my finger into the photo. It may be necessary that you click to enjoy the photo.

            A very small lizard of some type.
           The rest of the afternoon was mostly uneventful. There was some sitting and waving as neighbors were returning home from work. Now that I have said that, most of my neighbors are retired. They were likely returning from an early supper, that many of the retired people participate in.

Large or small we like them all!

Poet and don’t know it: Don Ford


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