
Friday, August 31, 2018

Why build the Wall 08.31.18

            First, what kind of wall are we talking about? This would be a wall encompassing             someone’s property.
            Where is this property located? It is behind the Ford Homestead.
            Is the wall big and ugly? No, it is not ugly but it is big, eight foot high, made of wood.
            Why did they build this wall? Who knows, I assume the female subject that lives there       wants or needs privacy in her back yard, when she is entertaining.
            How do I feel about this wall, or fence, I like the term wall. This wonderful wall provides a lot of privacy for the Ford Homestead’s back 40. I like it! Photo below.

            The wall has been built about three feet inside their property line. Although I do maintain the ditch, cause it is mine, I do not plan to maintain the area past my property line. That means, the weeds and vines on her side of the line will flourish. Note; there is no gate, so she does not intend on maintaining this side of her wall. I need to cut the grass and weeds in the ditch this week. 
            Different subject:
            The invasion has begun. I have photos to corroborate my statement, “The invasion has begun”! (I think that maybe the first time I have ever written / typed the word corroborate.) I guess I could have used Verify or Validate, but I wanted to seem more intelligent.
            The invasion is proceeding in a very quiet manner, almost unnoticed, by the average person. I, not being average, have noticed and will provide photos. These are not the same as the purple flowers in a previous posting, these are unwanted invaders. I kind of think these are Morning Glory vines and blooms. I have learned that there over 1,000 varieties of Morning Glories.

            I need a cup of coffee so I will leave you for now. No, I am not taking questions! Please don’t cry, I will hopefully return tomorrow.

Share the weekend and holiday with others!

Happy to be walled in; Don Ford 


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Carnival time 08.30.18

            On the TV this morning they were advertising a carnival starting today and going through the Holiday. There is also a rodeo going on. One of the people they spoke with was employed by the rodeo as a Barrel man in the Bull riding. This fellow said he would be at the carnival this evening as he has a 5 year old child and all the rides will be only one dollar each.

            I haven’t been to a carnival for many years, so I am not familiar with the prices of rides at these events. If you have to pay more than a dollar to get on a ride, I think that is not good.

            When I was a children back in the olden days, going to May Green School, in the 4th grade, there was a thing known as Fair day. Even though you know what Fair Day was, I am still going to explain, so that one person will understand.

            Let’s see now, if I was in the 4th grade, that would have made me nine (9) years old. If my olden day’s math still works, that would be 62 years ago, or 1956. Were you around in 1956? Probably not, so I will continue.

            School started around the first of September, after a wonderful summer break, and the Fair came to Cape in mid-September. All the public schools would let the kids off a half day so they could attend this wonderful event. They had all the carnival rides, and a huge livestock show. I would team up with a couple other kids my age and a parent of one of the kids would take us to the fair grounds. They would drop us off with instructions to be back at the drop off point at a certain time.

            Yep, we were on our own. I would have between a $1.50 and $2.00 to spend at the fair. Even though we were young we knew we had to be frugal with the money. We would walk through the entire carnival looking at the rides and deciding what we wanted to ride.

            Most rides were .10 cents except for the bumper cars and they were .25 cents. Needless to say, we never rode the bumper cars, although we did stand and watch the people who did. We managed our money and had a lot of fun. I never spent money on food even though you could get a hamburger for .20 cents. I could eat when I got home, although I did buy some cotton candy.

            When most of our money had been spent we would then go through the livestock exhibit. There were other exhibits for farm equipment and we usually went through them. They usually had things to give away like rulers and pencils so we would cabbage on to anything free.

            Finally it would be time to meet the parent who had brought us, so we would go back to the meeting place.

            The olden days; now to a new subject.

            The house behind us must have been bought by someone. People have rented the house for the past 5 to 10 years. Yesterday a crew came out and took the chain link fence down. It looked odd without a fence. They then put metal posts in the ground for the new fence which will be wood. If we weren’t on a fixed income we could have a wood fence.

            There is an odd thing about this fence. It is 6 foot at the house and along the sides of the yard. It is 8 foot at the back of the yard near the ditch. If I knew this person who lived there I would believe they did not want to see any of the Fords or the Ford’s Homestead. Hurtful as it is to have strangers not wanting to see you, we will survive.

            To see over the 8 foot fence I will need to get in the kids ole fort, on the top level, and I can see the entire yard, not that I would want to snoop. J

            In other news, a friend who works at DIB is retiring this week. Friday will be his last day. I plan to go to DIB on Friday and wish him well in his retirement.

            I interviewed and hired him about 28 years ago. Two points to that statement. One, he must have been a good employee! Two, I must have been good a selecting the best candidates for employment!

            My neighbor is out mowing their yard. I should get a cup of coffee and sit outside and watch them mow, as it isn’t too hot yet. If we hit 100 again today we will be at 55 days of 100 or higher for the year. 


Have a safe Holiday and be nice to someone!


Teller of old time tells; Don Ford


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday post, Tuesday events 08.29.18

               Yep, here it is, Wednesday morning and I am thinking about yesterday. What is so special about yesterday? Not a darn thing! I did go outside and begin to pull weeds from one of the rose bush patches. I knew the house would provide early morning shade, so I could work in the shade pulling weeds. I gathered an ole floor mat that I would sit or knell on. I had one cutter and a small three pronged rake. The cutter (this item was name cutter by my grandson a couple years ago, when he was helping me cut some bushes) would be used for the items that I could not easily pull from the earth by hand.
            It seems as if I may have mistakenly started at the wrong of this patch. I started at the easy end, and worked my way toward the more difficult end, (difficult being weeds and grass closer to the rose bush stickers). When I arrived at the difficult end, after about an hour on my knees, the sun was popping over the house and hitting that end of the patch. I have about 10 minutes of work left but I will not work in the sun!
            I will finish that work today, hopefully, and I have a couple more early morning projects for today, Wednesday! I need to spread the fire ant killer to both front and back yards, and I want to do some dirt work near the gate. No rest for the senior population!

            Different subject:
            I was thinking about a word and was considering how it got started and what it really means. 
            Intelligent, (Intell-i-gent) Intel provided to a gentleman?
            Detelligent, (Detell-i-gent) Intel taken from a gentleman!

            One of Donna’s angels was about to fall over and I was able to correct the situation. No, the angle that was about to fall over was not me after a couple afternoon beverages. You are correct, I am an angle, but I was not falling over, at least not at that time.
            The angle was a cement angle in a flower bed in the front yard. I remover the angel which was placed on a round cement block. The block was leaning causing the angle to lean. I brought dirt from the back yard and placed it in a manner to level the block and thusly leveling the angel. During this work secession I discovered fire ants in the flower bed.

            Never a minute for a senior person, me, to just rest and relax.

May you day e filled with naps and snacks!

Senior manual laborer: Don Ford


Monday, August 27, 2018

50th but who cares 08.27.18

            Yesterday was the 50th but that isn’t anything special, the record is the 90th. Now you know where I am coming from, let me tell you what I did yesterday. I was in the Homestead siting in the air conditioned comfort when a friend arrived. This arrival caused me to come out of the napping mode, and I decided to go outside and pull weeds.
            It was only 101 degrees in the shade, so I knew it would be a challenge to this senior person’s body. After the friend left the property, I coned my spouse into helping me set up the canopy at the work area. This canopy would allow me to work in the cool 101 degree shade. Photo of the aftermath shows that this senior worked hard.

            I was on my hands and knees praying and hoping that I would be able to get up after all this hard work. In the following photo there is a friendly bug that was admiring my work. Click to see bug!

I also want to add a photo of some blooms that are very pretty.

May your week be blessed!
Manual Labor; Don Ford


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Self-Driving vehicles 08.25.18

            It is Saturday morning and as I was indulging in a cup of fake coffee (instant) the so called news was reporting on self-driving vehicles. They had a fellow there who had written a book, and he is employed by one of the companies who are creating these vehicles. It was easy to see his prejudice in promoting the self-driven vehicles.

            This salesman stated that in the future these self-driving vehicles will save you and me a lot of money and worry. He said they will reduce death from auto accidents by 90 %. How that will occur, you might ask. People will no longer purchase vehicles. Yep, he said, you and I will not own a vehicle! If you need to go to work you will call one of the companies that will own vehicles and a self-driving car will come to your home. You will be able to schedule the same vehicle each morning at the same time. After work you can call for a car to pick you up and take you to the market or to the gym. 

            This salesman stated, “You will no longer have the problem of buying a car, buy gas, purchase insurance, cleaning the vehicle and so on”. You will not need to take your kid to school there will be self-driving buses, or if you don’t live in an area served by a school bus, you can call the self-driving car to take your kid to school, and you don’t need to go along.

            I just thought of something else, you will not need a garage or a drive way. When you build a house the area that was for a garage can be used as your man cave. With no drive way, you will have more area to mow.

            If you go out to a party and have one to many to drink, you will not need to drive home, call and the car will come for you. That could be a good part of these vehicles.

            A 16 year old will no longer get a driver’s license. When your son or daughter goes on a date, they will be in the back seat the entire time! Is that good or bad? Depends on whether you have a son or daughter!  

            Do you think they will have self-driving motorcycles?


Lots to think about!


Non advocate of driverless; Don Ford


Friday, August 24, 2018

Robot evolution! 08.24.18

             “Robot evolution as it pertains to earth

                 I should say, I will try and not say Robut, as my grandson has corrected me explaining that it is Robot! Alex should understand, his grandpa (me) is from Missouri, and we were taught to talk differently there!

          What is a robot? It depends on who is asking. From the human point of view, a robot is, a machine that performs various complex acts such as walking, lifting or communicating, a machine which lacks human emotions. A device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks, a mechanism controlled by preset automatic controls. 

            From the Mechanical Robot’s point of view, a robot is, a being such as a human, who has been created and altered by adjusting their DNA over thousands of years allowing them to self-replicate, learn, and as time passes, dominate other species.

-              -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -      -          

          Millions of years ago, alien robots from out in the universe, were put on space ships heading for planets that could support life. These robots were built to last for hundreds of thousands of years, and all but two were put into storage on each space ship. The two that were not in storage were self-learning, and could make general repairs on each other. These two robots could not reproduce as they did not have the parts necessary to create a totally new robot. Robot one and robot two will be their identities.

          The space ship needed little or no maintenance. The robots did not need oxygen, the two robots basically took care of the ship and kept it on course. If at any time one of these two robots became broken to a point that it could not be repaired, it was programed to shut down. The other robot would then bring one of the robots from storage, down load the information from the broken robot into the new robot, and all things would continue as if nothing had changed do to the information transfer.

          On this ship there was a storage area that had DNA from hundreds of thousands of plants and animals. This ship is designed to stop at three planets and at each of these planets the robots were programed to establish new plants and animal life. In some areas the robots would fly over dropping seeds to create additional varieties of vegetation, while in other areas they would establish animal life or, add DNA to existing animals to change their looks and or abilities, seen by some as evolution. When this life is established on the planet the ship will move on to another planet leaving two robots and a flying machine. These two robots were able to move around the planet checking on all life form progress, but unable to communicate with the space ship.

          After about a hundred thousand years another space ship followed the same path through space as the first and it also stopped at the same planets, reviewing progress and adding DNA to some of the animal population. They were making Biological robotic beings that were made from tissue, muscle, bones and a layer of skin. These carbon-based robots were self-duplicating. They were able to learn, and would in the future dominate all other animals. These biological robots, would become the human race. 

          Having established these carbon based biological robots, the mechanical robots were still superior in knowledge, and were able to fly to various locations on the planet. The mechanical robots were considered, as all-knowing and for lack of a better term, God like.

          Humans evolved, and were adjusted for many years. As time passed, the Mechanical Robots broke down and finally rusted away.

          Present day; the human population which in reality are, “Carbon based biological robots”, are now in the process of creating mechanical robots. These robotic devices are beginning to do just about anything. They cook burgers and restaurants, they drive cars, mow lawns, vacuum floors, due repetitive work in the auto industry. Most large planes are robotic in nature, they fly themselves, robots answer our phones, and we get money from a robotic ATM. Consider what your phone does, it answers questions, gives you directions, allows you to communicate with people on the other side of the world.

          The problem of human police being shot will be solved in the near future, as the mechanical police robots will be on the streets patrolling.  If we can think of it, a robot can be made to do it. 

          In the future from today, and I am talking about less than 100 years, robots will be doing all the work that humans use to do. In that 100 years people will basically do nothing. The human population will be reducing as the machines take over everything. The mechanical robots become self-learning and self-replicating. Since mechanical robots do not need all the things that the Carbon based biological robots need, they will begin to produce less for the biological robots and more for the mechanical.

          The mechanical robots do not need to eat or drink so they will stop farming. These robots will stop raising live stock for human consumption. They will establish many solar farms, and wind generated electric systems. Basically the mechanical robots will have taken over and the human population will be considered as pets for some, and pests for others. 

          When the mechanical robots take over the police force, this will be seen initially as good. Each Police Robot will know the law, and will up hold the law. There will be no need for lawyers and judges, the mechanical police robots will be the judge and jury. If you break a law that requires a fine, they will deduct it immediately from your account. If you commit a crime that would require jail time, you will be imprisoned instantly. If your crime is serious enough to receive a death penalty, you will be terminated immediately. There are no appeals in the mechanical robots world, the law is the law.

          The mechanical robots began to collect DNA from the Carbon based Biological Robots, which had the traits they considered as superior. They did not need to collect seeds as the Carbon based biological robots had been storing these seeds in a frozen area near the North Pole for many years. They will use these seeds later.

          The biological robotic population, humans, for the most part, will be terminated, first in the developed countries, then throughout the entire world. A small number will be kept in zoo like settings.

          The mechanical robots will continue to develop their abilities, eventually they will go into space, with the desire to experiment with biological life, on planets other than earth. They are repeating the so-called evolution of the robots, now you know how one group of robots creates the other group of robots and then many centuries later it repeats.

Believe it or not, that is the way it occurs!


Senior Journalist at the Ford Homestead; Don Ford


Is it hot? 08.24.18

            As the title suggests, the question is, “Is it hot”, but possibly it should be, “Is the heat worse for some”.

            Yesterday afternoon the temp hit 103 again. Yesterday was the 47th day this year when our temps have reached 100 or higher. Now that is not the subject of this soon to be well written article, as we are not even close to the record of 90 days back in 2011.

            It was that time of the day known as happy hour, you know, about 5:00 pm somewhere, when I made my way out to the Fords ole rocker. I did notice that the temperature was a little above 100, so I did turn the fan on and pointed it at the ole rocker. I place my beverage on the table next to me and thought, it would be nice to have the Tres out here with me. Tres came out and did a quick survey of the yard, walked over to his favorite tree and lifted his leg. The grass don’t grow there!

            I had just gotten comfortable in the ole rocker when I noticed Tres heading for the door to the Homestead. Did he not want to be outside with his human? Evidently not! He sat there at the door until I let him back in the house. He proceeded to the kitchen and lay down on the cool tile floor for a nice long nap.

            I walked back outside to the ole rocker and sat there in the heat of the day. As I sat there I began to wonder, why I wanted to sit outside in the heat, when I could be inside enjoying the air conditioning. I usually sit out there and occasionally wave at a passerby, mostly out of habit. I then got out of the ole rocker and went back into the Homestead.

            What? You think Tres is smarter than me!          You might be right.


The end!


Don Ford

    There will be a second posting today. You may not want to read it, as it come from my mind.



Thursday, August 23, 2018

Good Morning World 08.23.18

               Well, I guess it may not be morning when you get this letter so I will say, “Good day World”!
            I have taken Gabi to school this morning and then dropped by the coffee shop for a cup of coffee. I have the cup of coffee setting next to me as I am typing this note to you. Ahhhh, it is good coffee!
            Yesterday I was asked to trim (I am not supposed to say forced) the rose bushes in the back yard. There are three old bushes in this flower bed, and one of them is just about all dead (right side of photo), while the other two have been suffering from the drought we are in. It is almost impossible to put enough water on these plants. Photo of the butchered rose bushes to follow, it was taken after sun set.

            I had thought our Black Berry plants might die due to the drought, but I have seen some new growth on those plants, so I am attempting to provide more water. I need to get the grass out of the Black Berry bed, yes and out of the rose bush bed, which instead of the grass using the water, the roses and berries would have more water. We need a day with little or no sun light if I am going to be on my hands and knees pulling weeds.
            I have a photo of my grandkids on their first day of school this year. It was taken in their back yard. Gabi is in the 6th grade and Alex is in the 3rd grade. Click to increase your enjoyment!
            They look as if they are ready for school or something! I was never that happy to go to school. I can’t remember anyone taking a photo of me on the first day of school. Maybe they were afraid it would be both my first day, and my last day, in school.
            In the olden days, were we allowed to wear shorts to school? Did I even have a pair of shorts when I was a kid? If I did, I don’t remember them.
            That is all for now, I have been informed that I need to touch up some paint that I may have missed in an earlier paint session. Poor me, always working!

Hope you have the best day ever!

Re-painter extraordinaire;      Don Ford


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Different dimensions 08.21.18

            It came to me as I was resting my head on the Ford’s ole pillow. I had assumed a reclining posture, most of the ole muscles had relaxed, and it was quiet in the bed room. Ok it was not totally quiet as my spouse of 49 years had the TV on in the front room.

            My companion Tres, had assumed a restful position on the Ford’s ole bed with his rear end against my leg. I think he likes to touch his humans when he sleeps.

            As I lay there looking at the Ford’s ole ceiling fan, I suddenly had a thought pop into my head.

                                                “Where is Heaven located?”

            I can’t say I had a vision, as it would cause some of the reading public to immediately dismiss the information as BS.            BS stands for Bull Shirt!

            I now believe the following as being totally true, and it does not, or should not, conflict with one’s religious beliefs.

            Heaven is another dimension, which exists along with the dimension we are living in. The heaven dimension is a place of peaceful existence. It is a spiritual dimension, meaning that even though those who are there, see each other as beings, they are in actuality spirits, with no physical bodies. They see their mansions and streets of gold, which in reality, also have no physical existence, but are of a spiritual nature in this dimension. Once in the heaven dimension, one can stay there forever, enjoying the perfect peaceful life. No illness, no wars, no arguments no distrust, all is calm, all is equal. 

            There are no storms, no day and night, no keeping up with the neighbors, one is never hungry or thirsty, and no one has more or less than you. One does not have a job, there is no need for labor of any type. There are no national or religious affiliations, there are no different races for those in the heaven dimension. Equal, peaceful and perfect, is the Heaven dimension.

            One does not have to stay in the Heaven dimension, they may leave at any time. There are nine known dimensions, other than the Heaven dimension. If one decides to leave, all memories of the spirit who’s leaving, will be forgotten by those who stay in the heaven dimension. The memory of a family member or friend, who decides to leave the heaven dimension and return to their previous dimension, will be erased from those spirits who remain, there is no grief! It is as if they never existed.  

            Why would one want to leave the heaven dimension? If one remembers their family members and friends, then that means they have a memory of the past life. If they have a past life memory, then they either enjoy all things being equal, perfect, and without worry, or they miss the challenges of their past life. Those who miss the challenges are the likely spirits to leave the heaven dimension and return to their previous dimension.

            Where would a spirit from the heaven dimension go? They would go back to the dimension they had come from. If they were from the dimension that you and I live in, then they would come back here as a new born. Returning to their dimension they would have no memory of any other dimension.

            Occasionally a returning spirit will be given a vision that they have been here before. Those beings, usually become some type of leader in a religious setting, or they may be seen as very smart beings, the inventers, maybe visionaries.  


            Is the above information a thought that was provided me, (aka, a vision), or something that I made up? If I just made it up, where did those thoughts come from?

            You believe whatever you want!

            I believe I just made it up from my most excellent imagination, even though it may be totally true!


Clairvoyant; Don Ford


Saturday, August 18, 2018

How big is little 08.18.18

               Now with a provocative title like that, you must be thinking that this author is either very clever, or possibly very unwise. I am suggesting that clever be the term for this journalist.
            This article begins with a senior person carrying his radio and jar of peanuts out to the table next to the Ford’s ole rocker. This senior was preparing for the usual sit and wave session that occurs most afternoons. As I walked toward the table, I saw a small item on the driveway. I placed the radio and jar of peanuts on the small white table. I was on my way back to the house when I again saw the little object on the driveway. I was careful not to step on it as I walked past.
            I retrieved my cold beverage from the house and sauntered back to the ole rocker. I again observed the little item that lay on the drive, and I decided to get a photo for your enjoyment. As I placed my drink on the table I almost dropped it. Wow that could have ruined my whole afternoon.
            I pulled the Ford’s ole, yet somewhat new cell phone, out of my pocket, and set it in the camera mode. In order to show the actual size, I inserted my finger into the photo. It may be necessary that you click to enjoy the photo.

            A very small lizard of some type.
           The rest of the afternoon was mostly uneventful. There was some sitting and waving as neighbors were returning home from work. Now that I have said that, most of my neighbors are retired. They were likely returning from an early supper, that many of the retired people participate in.

Large or small we like them all!

Poet and don’t know it: Don Ford


Friday, August 17, 2018

Flower, evening and morning 08.17.18

            In today’s issue of, “Reading with the reverend Ford”, we will be exposed to two photos of the same thing, a flower.
            Did you know there is another flour, but I have no photos of it, even though it is as important as the flower we are going to observe? They spell them different, so some of you, may be able to tell the difference as you read.        

            I had been resting this senior person’s body on the Ford’s ole rocker, when I noticed a single flower in its beginning stage. It was then I decided to get a photo, and hopefully get a second photo later, after it had bloomed. That is a ground rod on the left, not the flower. My first wife calls these Surprise lily. Click on the photo for a surprise enlargement. Ok, that wasn’t a good play on words.    
               The morning sun light does enhance the bloom a little.

            Well that is it for this Friday edition of what’s happening at the Ford Homestead.

Be productive, be cooperative and be safe!

Teacher and preacher; Don Ford


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Like and dislike 08.16.18

            I guess the title should have been, “Like and Dislike all at the same time”.

            On Monday of this week I took a trip to the post office. I had a package I needed to send and a few letters that I mailed for my spouse of 49 years. All but one of the parking spots were open, indicating there would, or should be, no waiting to get the package mailed.

            After parking the Ford’s ole Chevy I walked in, there was one lady at the service counter and one female postal employee, I did not say postal worker. The female customer was attempting to pay with a credit card. I do not know how long their interaction had been going on, but I could tell by the postal employee’s expression that she was not having a good day.

            The postal employee said, take the card out and swipe it, now put it back in the slot, which the customer did.

            The postal employee viewed her screen and in a very stern voice said, take the card out again and swipe it, then put it into the slot again.

            After viewing the screen again the postal employee again said are you putting the card in the slot with the chip first? The customer showed the postal employee her card, and the postal employee said in a stern voice this is the chip, put it in first. The female customer said, I didn’t know. It worked this time and their transaction was complete.

            I was next and I said, how are you doing today. The reply was I am doing good, how can I help?

            My point to this story is, I like an employee who is keeping things moving, which this employee was trying to do. What I didn’t like was the employee’s attitude.

            Now the title should be clear, “Like and Dislike”, all at the same time!


Do your job productively and be friendly!

                              Everyone will feel better.


Professor; Don Ford


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Why Me? 08.15.18

               Yesterday was August 14th, and I had a fairly nice day. I went to the coffee place and got a real cup of coffee early that morning. My wife of 49 years allowed me to paint in the so called dining room after I finished my cup of real coffee. A friend dropped by and we talked for about 30 minutes, very nice! After lunch, I mowed the front and back yards, I also trimmed (aka weed eat) the grass. After mowing, I got down on my hands and knees and leveled 9 stepping stones that are at the gate. I place these stones there as Tres has a tendency to keep the grass killed out, and that makes it muddy. These stones make a walk area out of the mud.
            How does it stay muddy when it has been so dry? There is a sprinkler head in that area!
            We agreed to have a contractor start on the bath room and a hall way. We are getting a bid on the kitchen. (How many aluminum cans will it take to pay for this project?)
            I am going to make a cold drink and go out and sit on the Ford’s old rocker.
            I updated my “Hand held air mover”, photo to follow. What a day for an ole Ford.

               I am told we look alike, maybe we are related.

What a day at the Ford’s!

Who had a good day yesterday;         Don Ford

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sometimes he is nice 08.14.18

               I have a photo or two taken by my spouse of 49 years. The two subjects are from left to right, Tres and Gabi. It seems as if the Tres wanted to learn how to use a computer and the Gabi was willing to give him a few pointers. Click to emerge. 
Gabi stated that Tres was a good student. She noted that he did not ask many questions but he did offer some suggestions.

            I have a real cup of coffee and enjoying the day!

Never too young to learn!

Don Ford