
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Share not 02.03.18

                The wise among you would likely ask, “Why would I not want to share”! I have one good example of why one shouldn’t share, which I will, “Share”, with you.

                If there is an observant reader among this group, you will have noticed that I will share with you, even though the title states “Share not”!

                There are many things that I would willingly share such as, if I had to mow the yard, I would share that work experience with anyone! Now you know the type of thing that I would share.

                What, if anything, would one not want to share? A good example is this cup of coffee here on my desk and these oatmeal cookies. I don’t share them!

                “Share not lest ye get wet!” That statement did not come from the good book, even though it has, “Lest ye”, in it, but it did come from me, an excellent journalist, how about a good author, possibly a fair dramatist, ok and average note maker!

                Now that we have all that out of the way, let’s get down to the real reason for this article. Before you say it, the reason for this article is not just because I like to write, even though I do, it is about the Ford’s dog and one of the Ford’s cats.

                The other day, I observed Tres and Charlie drinking from the same water bowl. Now it is not unusual to see Charlie drinking from Tres’ water bowl, but it is unusual to see them drinking together. Charlie ended up wet, and now knows what I mean when I say, “Share not lest ye get wet”.

                Tres always drips water from his mouth every time he gets a drink. The water that comes from his mouth is not just a few drops, it is a lot! When Tres finished drinking, he raised his head over Charlie and the water dripped on Charlie. That is when Charlie jumped like he had been shot.

                Now you and Charlie understand the title, Share not.


Don’t drink out of another’s water.


Don Ford

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