
Saturday, February 10, 2018

All tied up 02.10.18

                It is very irritating to me when I see these so-call professionals on TV. Many of these irritants have these shirts where the collar is not button down and not even hanging down. Many of these irritants have the new, in fashion shirts, with the so-called collar that basically goes flat across.

                Ok let’s back up. Irritants may be defined as any male subject that has a shirt collar and tie that I don’t like. I don’t care if you like it or not, they are my irritants and you may stop reading now, if you don’t like what I am writing. 

                It will be difficult for me to explain to those of you who are not observant but I will try. In the photo below we see a properly tied tie. The knot in the photo is properly tied and is called a Windsor knot. There is a half and a full Windsor. When properly tied it looks neat. When not properly tied one side will look good and the other will look bad (half the size of the good side).

                In my youth I was taught how to tie a cinch on a saddle. If you think about it, the knot use to secure the saddle onto a horse’s back is something like the knot used when tying a neck tie. I tried to explain that to a friend who was trying to tie a neck tie but he didn’t understand a cinch knot. 

                Being observant, one can look at a poorly tied knot, and most often know if the person is right or left handed. How do I do that you ask, or maybe you didn’t ask, I am still going to explain. A poorly tied knot has one side that is thinner than the other side. If the right side is skinny then the person is likely left handed and vice versa. I just went in and tied a tie several times. I was unable to tie the tie improperly, I guess I am just good!

There is another method of knowing if a person is right or left handed without asking. When the person is standing, look at his shoulders. The shoulder that is lower will usually indicate which hand is dominant. 

                Why does this matter, it don’t! I just get irritated when I see a poorly tied neck tie!

                Lessons on properly tying a neck tie, or saddle cinch, start at $50.00, call for an appointment.


Don’t be an irritant, tie the knot!


Don Ford

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