As I walked out to get ready to take the granddaughter to school, there was a mist in the air and it was foggy. The temp was a mild 47 degrees AT 6:00AM. I looked up and saw a single bird flying over. I thought to myself, I have often wished I could fly like a bird, but I have never wished I was a bird.
Consider if you were a bird, you would not own a home, you might have a house to live in, and most of these bird houses are multifamily apartments. You would not have a place of employment, but you would work continually looking for food. Who wants to eat those bugs and worms, not me?
If you think a bird don’t have to work, you would be wrong. Those poor birds are always looking for something to eat, and even though a bird would have some seeds to eat, they rely on bugs and worms. Have you even considered how difficult it would be to build a nest without hands, but they do it.
Now that we have thought about the birds having to continually work, to gather food or build a nest, we should consider the bugs and worms that those cannibalistic birds love to eat. Try to imagine, if you were a bug or worm, you would always be looking for something to eat, while at the same time you would need to be alert for those terrifying flying cannibalistic birds that were trying to kill you. How would you survive in this frightening world, as you looked down for food, and up, for the flying end to your life?
Those poor worms and bugs not only get it from the birds, but humans are also responsible for harming the bug and worm population. Consider, if a worm is big and fat the human will use them for bait fishing. These same humans spray their yards and gardens with things that will harm the bug and worm population. What about those humans who tromp around their yards pushing or riding on their lawn mowers? Have you ever considered how destructive this can be for insects! There is no safe place for these bugs and worms.
We, here at “The Ford Foundation for The Preservation of Bugs and Worms”, have set up a donation page were you can participate in our effort to “Save the Bugs and Worms”!
Donations of $100.00 and more should be sent to our web page, www.worms/
Watch were you are stepping when in your yard!
Don Ford
- For that one reader, that is not a real web site!
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