
Friday, February 2, 2018

A home destroyed 02.02.18

                On the first day of February, a home in Hewitt was lost and the resident displaced. Now I did not observe the actual displacement but I did interview a witness. A neighbor had decided to have two very large trees removed from his front yard. In this process a fellow climbed up to the top of this tree and began to cut the limbs. In other words, he worked from the top down. He did have a safety belt on and he would attach himself to keep from falling.
                The first tree was cut without any problems. They went to the second tree, and again went to the top to start the cutting. Several of the limbs had squirrel nests on them. One of the limbs was cut and it fell to the ground. Those who were watching this limb fall were surprised when the squirrel came out of the nest and ran away. A home destroyed! 
                We have also learned that there will be a protest today due to the cutting of these trees. The protests is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am today, Feb 2nd, buy the entire population of squirrels in the neighborhood. As we understand it, the second tree that was cut down has been used for years, as a means for the squirrels to cross Oklahoma Ave. without worrying about being ran over. Yep, the second tree hung out over the street, allowing squirrels to jump to another tree on the other side of the street.

                The fellow up in the tree is shown cutting the second tree. Click to enlarge.

Are you near the top, in your work?

Don Ford

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