
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Update 11/30/2019

            ON the Nov 23rd posting there was a photo of yours truly, I had a string of lights around my neck. Would you believe, there were many comments from the reading public, indicating that I made the string of lights look good?
            Even though I did make those lights look good, I may have made another set of lights look better. I feel as if I should fore warn you, the new string of lights are much larger than the previous set. I would also like to say, I did not purchase this set of larger lights, they were a gift to me from my first wife.
            I have stated that I did not want anything for Christmas, but this necklace is not considered a gift, it is a Christmas decoration, so I can wear it and be proud to be a part of the Ford Homestead’s annual decorations.  Click on photo to enhance.
            I know it is difficult to see where the tree ends and I begin. Most excellent decorations.

I light up the neighborhood!

Senior decoration specialist; Don Ford

Friday, November 29, 2019

There was family and friends 11/29/2019

               The title line states, “There was family and friends”! If you feel the need to ask what that title line means, then your thanksgiving day was likely lonely.

            Our thanksgiving day was filled with family, friends, good food and lots of interesting discussions. I did not hear one comment about politics, and that was good! One nice person said, “I should have brought the $50.00 gift card I received and given it to you to help pay for the food”. Nice thought but $50.00 would not come close to the cost of the food.

            I would like to change the subject please.

            I saw an advertisement from the DNA people, in it there was a comment about Sears catalogs from the past. That got me to thinking. As a children I like to look through the Sears catalog. Toward the back of the catalog they had animals listed that were for sale. I always wanted either a pony or a donkey, both were listed for sale. I don’t remember the price of the pony, but wouldn’t you think that my parents would have gotten me one.

            Another part of the sears catalog that I liked was the part where they sold female underwear. Yep, I liked to review the latest female underwear styles!  

            I would like to change the subject again please.

            As I sit here entering this data into the Ford’s ole computer I happened to look at the screen which displays all the security cameras. You should understand that it is still dark outside, and it is foggy this morning. The cameras are using the infer red night vision, and there is a set of shiny eyes looking at the camera. One of our cats was sitting there looking toward the camera and cat eyes glow brightly, it looks kind of scary!

            One last change to the subject.

            It is black Friday, I am staying at home, or at least that is my plan!


Shop not and you will not spend too much money!


Senior non shopper; Don Ford

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday morning 11/28/2019

            Thursday morning, the clock chimed 3:00am, as I lay there in the bed my thoughts focused on the coming day, it is Thanksgiving. Donna made the pies yesterday, and has been cooking the turkey during the night. This morning she will be baking the bread and getting ready to cook other delicious items.

            As I lay there all comfortable I heard Charlie the cat meow. I thought, it is too early for that cat to want to eat or go outside. I heard one more meow and then Charlie jumped on the bed and quickly found a place to lay in between Donna and me.

            There was no doubt in my mind that Tres was going to come to the bed to see where Charlie was. It wasn’t even a minute before Tres was nudging me with his nose. I assume he was wanting to be sure I was not petting the cat. I rubbed his head for a few seconds before he walked away. I then positioned my legs over to the side of the bed, as I knew the Tres would go to Donna’s side of the bed and jump up on the bed. Moving my legs gives Tres a place to lay.

            I was correct, Tres jumped on the bed, checked where Charlie was, and then he lay down with his head on my legs. Tres usually stays on the bed for a short time, and then gets off, but this time he seemed to be happy to stay for what seem to be an hour.

            As we all lay there in the crowded bed, I could hear Charlie Purring, which brought an old thought to mind. Many years ago, and by that I mean probably 68 years ago, our family lived in a three room house in the country. In this memory I assume I was 4 or 5 years old. My mother was ironing clothes the ironing board was next to the bed, and I was on the bed were I was supposed to take a nap. Our cat jumped on the bed, (no I do not remember the cat’s name) and it began to purr. I told mom the cat was purring, and she said, “He is singing you to sleep”. I assume it worked because that is the end of that memory.

            Why would an old senior retired person still have a memory like that, imbedded in his brain, or if not in a brain, at least imbedded in my head?  


            The thanksgiving schedule:

            The family will arrive prior to noon, as we try and eat the Thanksgiving meal at or about noon. Everyone will eat more than they should, and there will be some interesting conversations during the meal.

            I am usually one of the first to stop eating and I head for the kitchen sink. I get my plate and utensils ready for the dish washer, and then as others family member will bring their plates to the sink so I get them ready also.

            We sit around for a while allowing the food to settle, and then someone will get a piece of pie, which usually gets the attention of others. The pies are good!

            The family usually head for home around 4:00pm.

            Shortly after the family leaves and everything is quiet, an old senior person such as me, would get onto the ole recliner. As you might think, a nap would be in my mind.

            Just as I am relaxing, that is when friends arrive, and the eating process begins again. We enjoy having the friends over and there is a lot of good conversation.

            At some point my first wife and I are left alone here at the homestead.


May your Thanksgiving be as good as ours!


Senior person thankful for family and friends; Don Ford 


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Getting ready 11/27/2019

            We are getting ready for both holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. My spouse of 50 + years is getting everything together for all the food that will be enjoyed tomorrow, “Thanksgiving”!
            We have installed the decorations outside, and there has been a couple problems. My first wife has been installing decorations inside but she still has other items to install. There will be some photos to follow, click to enhance.
Above photo is obviously before dark. Below photo after dark.
There is a star on the flag pole to the left, and there is a rope light on the tower above the house, kind of center in the photo. Below Tres is enjoying a Christmas pillow.
Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving is safe and filled with food and friends!

Senior master photographer (I took a photography class); Don Ford

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday 11/26/2019

            Let me start this short posting by saying, “the clock chimed 5:00am at both 5:00am and 5:05am”. I have made a note of the day, I want to see if it always happens on Tuesdays.
            I have a photo of my favorite granddaughter and our dog. Note that Gabi is smiling and Tres is relaxing. Click to enhance photo.
            New subject; gold does not only come from the ground. I have discovered gold here in Hewitt TX. Photo to follow.
            If that tree is not gold then maybe it is on fire!
            Acorn subject; I have raked the entire front yard twice and it is being covered again with acorns. The leaves are not a problem as the mower will get them, but the acorns just keep falling.
            Money subject; I got my $54.00 back yesterday!

May your day be acorn free!
Senior acorn eradicator; Don Ford

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Splendid 11/24/2019

          Splendid, have u used that word? That word isn’t used around the Ford homestead, even though it is a word that seems to have a positive meaning. Possibly you would like to attempt to use the word in your life today. Tell someone that what they did was splendid, or maybe you can brag on yourself and say you did something splendid.


          Please allow me to change the subject; I purchased a Christmas present 2 days ago and today it is $50.00 cheaper. Got to go and get my money back! I will get my $50.00 back, or they will get the gift back, and I will get all my money back. It tells me that this store has the item priced way too high. The item was $20.00 off the retail price when I purchased it, and now it $70.00 off the retail price. What will the price be on black Friday?


          Subject changed; I did get all the leaves and acorns up from along the curb picked up this Sunday afternoon.


          Subject change again; we went to the cracker place for lunch and the manager has not yet given me a cap. I ask every time I go but no free cracker cap! We had decided to get a chef salad to go, and take it home for supper. We were told they had got rid of all their lettuce, due to the national warning of possible salmonella, so they could not make a salad.


What a day!


Have a splendid week!


Splendid senior retired person; Don Ford   

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Decoration of me 11/23/2019

            As we all know, my first spouse is very much into the Christmas decorations. She has now crossed the line, as she has decorated me. In fact, I do make these decorations look good.  A professional photo to follow.
What could be better than a decorated ford!

Senior hansom decorated person; Don Ford

Friday, November 22, 2019

I am a WINNER 11/22/2019

               The beginning of this article is about phone calls.
               We here at the Ford Homestead do not answer phone calls if we do not recognize the caller’s name or phone number. Our phone does take messages and some of these calls are people attempting to rip-off us ole senior people.
               I have the wording from a recent call below, please read it and see how these people are able to get some people to send them money.

            “This is an automated phone call from Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes, this message is to notify you that you are this month’s lucky winner of 7.5 million dollars and a 2019 Mercedes Benz. Please contact our claims department 929-376-6737 I will repeat 929-376-6737 to take care of your processing and delivery fee. Your claim numbers are 587426-US, thank you for playing Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, where we turn dreams into reality.“

               That call was not from Publishers Clearing House! I did not enter any sweepstakes. They want to talk with me about a processing and delivery fee?
               Crooks, these people are crooks!              Don’t fall for their crap!

               I have two photos of Christmas cactus’ that are in the Homestead kitchen.
Christmas must have come early since these cactus only bloom at or around Christmas.

Don’t answer those robot calls!

Senior Flower analyzer; Don Ford

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Flying into the neighborhood 11/21/2019

            Yesterday as this ole tired senior retired person sat in the ole rocking chair enjoying a cold drink, I was harkening back to the activities from earlier in the afternoon.

            Allow me to back up to just after lunch and a short nap. When I awoke from said nap, I became aware that I had nothing on my list of things to do. My spouse of half a century was gone from the homestead so I was all alone. The wind was blowing and that brought my attention to the back 40. There were leaves everywhere so I wondered if I could use the walk behind mower as a mulcher and shred these leaves.

            Even though I was tired from all the forced work of this week, I decided to try the mulching. The fords ole walk behind was able to mulch most of the leaves. I walked the entire back 40 behind that ole mower and most of the leaves were reduced to crumbs.

            Before you ask, the riding mower does not mulch, and has a tendency to blow the leaves like a leaf blower.

            Completing this voluntary, work I headed out to get the Alex from school. After acquiring my usual parking space, I turned on the ole tablet. I did play a few games of solitaire, but I became tired and after shutting down the tablet I closed my eyes and napped on and off until the boy was let out of school. 

            Arriving at home, Alex decided to rake leaves from my drive and from the neighbor’s yard. My first wife had purchased some plastic stakes that we needed to install the last string of ground level lights. I took the stakes and began installing the string of lights. To install these lights I had to sit on the ground and scoot from one light to the next. NO, I could not crawl on my hands and knees do to the acorns. Yes I had raked the entire yard! No I did not get them all! Yes they are still falling!

            I did not have enough plastic stakes, I need 19 more. The string of lights are installed but I had to skip installing a plastic stake, on every other light, 19 times. My spouse will get more today and I will once again be on the ground.

            Now if you will allow, I will get back to the original subject of this most excellent article.

            As I sat on the Fords ole rocker sipping from a glass that had a wonderful beverage in it, I became increasingly aware of what seemed to be an invasion from above. There were white winged doves flying in groups, some were landing in the neighbor’s tree and some were landing in our tree. I am not say a few doves were present, I am saying in total a large group possibly between 100 and 150 were in the trees.

            I knew why they were there, it was supper time. These birds stayed in the tree for a minute or two and then a couple flew down to the street. The other doves seeing there was no danger, they dropped down to the street almost at the same time. They were eating the crushed pecans, and only stopped if a vehicle came down the road.

            At some point they decided to get out of the street and many of them flew into the oak trees in our front yard. I assume they were going to spend the night there since the tree still has its leaves which could block off the night breeze.


           That is it for now, I need to find something to do today, as I will not be watching the politicians on the impeachment crap!


I hope you have a great day!


Senior retired decoration specialist; Don Ford

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What happened yesterday? 11/20/2019

            I finished raking the entire front yard. I had the acorns along with some leaves and or dead grass raked to the street curb and driveway. I then took the leaf blower and blew as many of the leaves and dead grass away from the acorns and back onto the grass. Then I took the mower and vacuumed the grass. The yard looked very nice, then I picked up the acorns from the street and driveway. I took all the acorns out to the ditch behind the homestead and left them there. I assume the next rain will distribute the acorns downstream, and there will be red oak trees all over Texas.

            Donna has put the wires out to the decorations but I think I will need to check and tape all the connections. I think I put too much time on my feet yesterday as they are both hurting and tired.

            I was able to drag my ole body into town and purchase a bottle. I may be tired, and happy at the same time this afternoon.


            Today is Wednesday, I will try and complete the lights on the ground if my spouse can purchase more of the stakes to hold them in place. When Tres and I went out to get the paper this morning, he got a leg hung in the wire of some of the lights at ground level. It was too dark for me to see what he did, so I will check when the sun gets up. 


            Maybe there will be a lot of resting here at the homestead today.


Work not less you get tired!


Senior non-workaholic; Don Ford


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday 11/19/2019

            Today is Tuesday but I am writing about Monday. In other words, I want to report on what my first wife and I did yesterday.

            As I had presented in an earlier posting, the Christmas decorations that are stored in the Ford’s ole shed, were brought to the Ford’s ole garage for assembly. Yesterday I brought the ladder from the shed, not an easy task as it is kinda heavy. I then positioned the ladder so I could climb up to the roof edge, this turned out to be the first of many climbs for this senior retired person.

            Once I was at the top of this ladder I would attach the beginning of a string of lights to the shingle. I was able to make a couple attachments before having to climb down and move the ladder. Each time I moved the ladder, I faced obstacles that would have caused a lesser person to give up.

            I know someone is going to ask what these obstacles were, they were things like cement flower pots, cement rabbits or a bench, which needed to be moved prior to placing the ladder. Before anyone asks, I was climbing to dizzying heights on the ladder, as many as 3 steps above the ground. That is high for a senior retired person.

            After what seemed to be hours of continuous climbing up and down that ladder, that part of the project was completed. The next part I was allowed to participate in was, at ground level. Allow me to explain. I was installing a string of lights at ground level. In other words, I was sitting on the ground which was covered by thousands of those annoying acorns, and after placing a light I would scoot a little and then install the next light. I had to scoot 50 times installing 50 lights.

            Completing that project I then acquired the Ford’s ole rake and begin removing as many acorns as I could. I have stated this fact before, “You can rake the grass as much as you like but you never get all the acorns. If I get from one third to half I am happy. 

            Today I will once again be on the ground installing 50 more lights and after that, if the present spouse has nothing else for me to do I will need to go to town as I am out of adult beverage. Also I plan to rake another area of the yard again attempting to remove some of the acorns.

            Yes my wife of half a century was also working on the decorations yesterday. She has placed most of the outside decorations and today the plan is to run power out to those decorations with lights.

Decorations are nice, if someone else installs them!

Senior retired person who is allowed to work on decorations; Don Ford

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday 11/18/2019

            Well the day started more or less as usual. I sat around doing nothing other than having a cup of real coffee. As the morning progressed we became active and cleaned up a little so we could go out for brunch. The drive to the restaurant was pleasant. We found a good parking place and ventured inside. The person taking the names said, 30 minute wait. Normally the wait is about half what they say, but not today.
            As we waited, I noticed a fire extinguisher was blocked. I pointed this out to the store manager and she said I was right. She said they had talked about moving it but no one did anything. No one did anything? She is the manager, could she have done something?
            Our name was called, Ford for two, next available. We ventured up to the doorway that goes into the restaurant, and we waited another 15 minutes. Finally they seated us. It is unusual but we both ordered the same food. Our wait staff was name after a motorcycle, Harley took our order and brought our drinks out. It took a while before our food showed up, and when it did, a different person brought it out. They forgot our fries and the bread. Finally the fries arrived.
            It was a very busy time so we kind of accepted the less than perfect service. As we were leaving one of the managers who we talk with during most visits, was complaining about the other manager who is her boss.
            When I arrived home I worked on the pickup bed cover adding a little strip of weather stripping at the front of the bed to close in a gap that could let rain in. Completing that project I was allowed to go to the shed and bring Christmas decorations up to the garage, so my spouse of half a century can begin the tedious work of putting the decorations together.
            The garage is now full and her van is sitting outside.
Monday morning, I took the trash cart out to curb. As I walked that way I saw something in the sky. It appeared to be a bright star, and by bright seemed to be moving a little. I stopped and watched but the light did not seem to go anywhere. I then took a photo of the object. I assume it was either a UFO, or a helicopter hovering low in the sky. The photo isn’t good but here it is. Click to enhance
May your day be productive, safe and blessed!
Senior sky watcher and UFO analyzer; Don Ford

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nice afternoon 11/16/2019

            Well let’s see what happened on Friday. The weather actually got back to almost normal for fall. The temperature made it up to 61 degrees, which allowed me, as senior retired person, to work outside for a while. Earlier I had gone to the DIB and picked up 12 bags of rocks. I then returned home and began distributing the rocks along the remainder of the dog path. The path is now covered with river rocks. I used the fords ole red wagon to move the rocks, the ford’s ole wheelbarrow would have been better for moving the rocks but there is a lot of stuff in front of the wheelbarrow. I had to place each of these rocks in their proper place one at a time, making a perfect walk way. I will try to present a photo showing my strenuous work efforts for the day.
            If you look at the photo you may notice that I have completed the rock path for Tres, and I have the trailer pulled up so I can take it to the dump on Saturday. There aren’t a lot of limbs on the trailer but I would like to get rid of them anyway.
            I also took some time and raked up some of the acorns from the front yard. It will take a while to get the front yard raked and if I rake the entire front yard, I may get as many as half of the acorns from the grass. You never get them all.
            My spouse of 50 years has begun cooking the meat for her tamales. She cooks all the meat, and gets everything ready then sits down and begins to create. 
New subject:
            I just remembered, I am supposed to haul off the limbs today. I need to get some clothes on and head out.
            I arrived at the dump area and I was the only one there, no one in line ahead of me.
            I returned home and have the trailer parked in its usual place.
            I still need to rake more acorns from the front yard today, my work never ends.

Enjoy the weekend, try to be nice to someone!
Senior workaholic and all round good guy; Don Ford

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I was mooned 11/13/2019

            I have done a lot of things in my day, but I never mooned anyone. As I understand it, you have mooned several people over the years. It wasn’t so bad when you were mooning people as a young person, but you should stop now, you are a full grown adult person.
            Let’s get away from that topic and talk about two record cold temperatures here in Hewitt. Yesterday and this morning have both set new record lows, with this morning at 20 degrees and winter isn’t officially here for another 5 weeks!
            I have a photo, it isn’t very clear but I think you can make it out. Last evening after supper I was forced, I mean allowed to carry some trash out to the trash can. Walking from the homestead, all the way out to the trash can, I noticed the full moon was beginning to rise over the neighbor’s home. It was so big I had to try and take a photo. Photo to follow.
            When the photo is enlarged it kinda looks like a Halloween photo. There are tree leaves and maybe a cloud or two involved in the photo.
            It has been very windy of late, and I have been picking up pecans that are falling due to the wind. In the street there are many pecans and I have been retrieving many of them. Vehicles are crushing many of the pecans and the birds are enjoying the easy picking.
            The cons that fall from the Ford’s ole tree, are soft shell. This year, the shells have a tendency to crack if they fall on the driveway.
            The wind has also brought down a bunch of small dead limbs, millions of acorns and other stuff, of which I plan to pick up at least some of this today.

May your pecans turn into pecan pie!
Senior pecan pie connoisseur; Don Ford

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rock and rake again 11/12/2019

            I had ordered more bags of rock last week, but I did not pick them up until today. Before you make a comment, yes the Fords ole Chevy was able to haul all 10 bags. Each bag is 40 pounds and if you have ten bags, which is a lot of weight at the tail end of the truck. I kept them all at the tail gate so it would be easier for an old senior retired person, on a fixed income, to get them out of the truck.
            After all the work was completed I took a professional photo of my work.
         Yes I will need more rock to complete this project. Will this actually help keep the dog’s feet clean, who knows? Why we need to do this, photo below may explain why.

            It is a little cool here today, in truth, we have set a new record for being cold, it was 25 degrees this morning.

May you stay warm happy and safe today!
Senior retired person freezing his…; Don Ford

Rock and rake again 11/12/2019

            I had ordered more bags of rock last week, but I did not pick them up until today. Before you make a comment, yes the Fords ole Chevy was able to haul all 10 bags. Each bag is 40 pounds and if you have ten bags, which is a lot of weight at the tail end of the truck. I kept them all at the tail gate so it would be easier for an old senior retired person, on a fixed income, to get them out of the truck.

            After all the work was completed I took a professional photo of my work.


         Yes I will need more rock to complete this project. Will this actually help keep the dog’s feet clean, who knows? Why we need to do this, photo below may explain why.



            It is a little cool here today, in truth, we have set a new record for being cold, it was 25 degrees this morning.


May you stay warm happy and safe today!

Senior retired person freezing his…; Don Ford

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tree leaf 11/11/2019

            The last two evenings I have sat outside with a cup of coffee for just a short while, and both evenings I have observed a leaf on the pecan tree that had about ¼ of the leaf missing. In the corner of the missing part of the leaf there is something that glows like a small diamond. I have tried to get a photo and all I get is the leaf, nothing shining. Is something watching me?
            So this afternoon I saw the lizards that Alex was trying to catch the other day. These reptiles stopped long enough for me to get a photo. Click to enhance.
The Tres was taking a break with me Sunday afternoon, and as usual, he was stretched out in the yard ignoring everyone and everything. As I sat there enjoying the last few drinks of my real coffee, an acorn fell from the tree and hit Tres on his side. Tres did not move. He usually is easily awoken but it did not happen Sunday. Photo to follow.  
            You didn’t ask, so I shouldn’t provide any info, but I am willing to share, so here we go. Yep I got the flowers that are in flower pots, moved into the hot house. I worked very slow as Donna and I are not over this crud. When will this crud end?
            One of us may go to the doctor tomorrow.

We hope you don’t get this crud.

Senior retired carrier of the CRUD; Don Ford

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sick of it 11/09/2019

          My spouse of half a century said she was, “Sick of it”, and I understand her comment. I first noticed the effects last Monday, and it got increasingly worse as the week progressed. It started to affect me on Wednesday.

          What? Oh, my present spouse got sick, and shared it with me. Whatever it is you don’t want it. We have both coughed so much that our chests hurt. Fever and chills played a big part in the illness. Food, what we have been able to eat don’t have a taste. Typically when I have had the flu, every part of my body hurt, not so with this CRUD.

          The effects of this CRUD is slowly diminishing. I hope I am able to get outside and move some flowers to the Ford’s ole hot house as it is supposed to be down below freezing Sunday night.


          One school had shut down for two days, 4 days counting the weekend, due to an illness of many students, flu like symptoms.


          This being sick crap keeps one from having an adult beverage. I guess that is ok as there has not been a happy hour this week.

          Wash your hands, don’t touch door knobs, and don’t shake hands unless you have a hand sanitizer available.


          Yes we like the bed cover. I probably have commented on this in the past, there is a white Chevy Colorado that looks like mine in the line to pick up the kids from school. Today as I drove past that Colorado I noticed that she has a bed cover too, hers is a soft cover.


May you be happy and healthy!


Senior sick person; Don Ford      


Thursday, November 7, 2019

It's here 11/07/2019

               The Ford’s ole Chevy has a new bed cover.

            Few words, 4 photos.

May your day be productive, safe and cooperative!

Senior installer; Don Ford


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The plot thickens 11/06/2019

            A Joke:
          A 9 year old student who does not wear glasses said to a student who does wear glasses, “Next year everyone will be able to see clearly without glasses”! “Why is that”, asked the student who wears glasses? With a big smile on her face the student who did not have glasses said, “Next year is 2020 and you don’t need glasses when you are 2020!    LOL
            Tuesday morning I took the Fords ole Chrysler van to the battery place and asked them to check the battery. The van started without any problem that morning. They checked it and said the battery shows being in good condition. I did not purchase a new battery. That did not make my spouse of half a century happy.
            We decided that my present spouse will take the Ford’s ole pickup to get Gabi, and I will take the Ford’s ole van to get Alex. If the van don’t start, I will be on my own.
            I arrived at the school and turned the van off. About half way through the wait I tried the van and it started. I shut it off and waited for the kids to come out of school, I again tried to start the van, it started. My spouse was driving the Ford’s ole pickup, for the second time since we bought it, (we have had the pickup for 4 years) and she had problems getting it in gear.
            My spouse was sick all day Tuesday and did not attend the retirement party. She was coughing continuously.  Guess what, now I am coughing, do you think she gave it to me, intentionally!

Different subject; “Why one should not have a dog”.
         The Tres and I went for a walk Tuesday afternoon. A friend and senior retired person who lives down the street was walking his dog. This senior person at a distance, looked as if he did not feel well. We exchanged greetings and I ask how he was doing. He said not good! He noted that he had tripped over a dog blanket and fell in the house, hitting his back on the fireplace brick, braking a rib.        That seems to be one good reason to not have a dog.

May your day be blessed with normalcy!

Senior retired know-it-all; Don Ford


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Distracting a driver 11/05/2019

            As I again approach this subject I have taken a slightly different approach. I had delivered Gabi to school yesterday, and was heading for home when I was stopped at my less than favorite traffic light. I was the lead vehicle in the left turn lane, and there was a female subject in the lead vehicle in the right turn / through lane, the light was red.

            As I checked my surroundings I noticed the female subject in the vehicle to my right, had her cellular device in her hands. I could tell by the movements of her thumbs, she was texting.

            I looked away checking the traffic moving through the intersection as I thought, how distracted this female driver was. I again looked at her and she was removing her sun glasses, I assume to see better what was on the cellular device screen. I wonder if these people even know how to make a phone call. Do Texters even have the ability to communicate verbally?

            A verb in a sentence often shows movement, and yes there are other definitions of verb, so if a verb shows movement what does verbally show? Maybe some educated person can help me understand verbally.

            As I looked away from the female texter, I observed the green arrow was lit indicating I should go through the intersection and make my left turn. How long had the light been green? Now you see, these distracted drivers are distracting us non-texting drivers! If anyone was to have an accident it would possibly be the driver that was being distracted by the Texters. If that were the case who would be at fault?

            Too much to consider, I need either a cup of coffee or a nap, maybe both. I have been awake more than 5 hours, do I need one or both.


            I had completed my visit to the doctor and had returned home. It was a warm afternoon and I was outside sitting on the Ford’s ole swing with a cup of coffee and a few cookies. It was nice and relaxing as I enjoyed the sweet taste of the cookies along with the peace and quiet of the neighborhood. Claire (Alex’s mom) and Alex arrived at our home to pick up Gabi. Donna picks Gabi up after school but she had not arrived yet.

            I then received a call from my spouse of 50 years saying my van will not start. That did not make my day better. I knew that she was in an area where there was a huge amount of vehicles, all wanting to get their kid or grandkid from school. We got in our vehicle and headed that way the traffic was bad on the way there and worst once on the school property.

            I worked my way as close to her van as possible, where I parked the pickup and walked the rest of the way. I asked her to try to start it. I heard a faint click, the battery was dead. I then opened the hood and connected our Halo and asked her to start the vehicle. It started first try. Several of the adults, possibly school teacher had to see what I used to start the van. They were amazed that something that small would start a car. I probably sold a few of those units with the starting of the Ford’s ole van.  

            If that wasn’t bad enough, things got even more irritating. I decided to take the van to the Wally world to get a new battery. I arrived and there was a couple people working in the garage area. Someone told me to park the van. Then a fellow who acted as if he had no idea what to do came and got my key, name and phone number. That took several minutes.

            There was three vehicles ahead of me. The fellow who seemed to be in charge told one of the workers to leave. The worker said he was not done with the car, the fellow in charge said, I said leave, and the fellow left.

            About 5 minutes later, two other workers arrived, and one finished the work the other worker had left. It was about another 30 minutes when they pulled my van into the garage. They opened the hood and then the fellow walked in to get a new battery. They did not have a battery like the one in my vehicle. All that time was wasted.

            I didn’t even comment on the unfriendly and possibly not trained female who was working the counter in that area.

            The time at the store allowed me to see, that it is difficult to get good, knowledgeable, and friendly employees, or the person doing the hiring don’t know what they are doing!

            I drove the van home and will attempt to get the battery replaced this morning.


Work areas should at least seem organized!


Senior critic of all work forces; Don Ford




Monday, November 4, 2019

Neighbor 11/04/2019

               It was a typical Sunday afternoon, except for the fact that the time change had occurred.

            Do you know dogs and cats are not aware of the time change? I was very surprised when Tres and Charlie allowed me to sleep until 5:00am, new time, 6:00am old time.

            I was sitting on the Fords ole rocker, doing nothing other than relaxing. It was a nice 65 degrees and the sun was shining most of the time. As I sat there contemplating all the world problems, I observed a neighbor walk from his home with his granddaughter. She is very cute and possibly 3 years old. They walked out to the pickup truck and grandpa helped her get in the back seat. He went from one side to the other making sure she was buckled in properly.

            Then I observed the grandfather walk back into the home, and in a few moments he returned to the truck. Grandpa reached into his back pocket and pulled his phone out, he then appeared to be entering data on the phone. Opening the back door of the pickup he handed his cell phone to the 3 year old granddaughter. It seems, we teach them at an early age, that this phone should always be in their hands!

            Speaking of pickup trucks, back in 2015 when I purchased my 2016 Chevy Colorado, there were very few around. I thought I stood out, driving a vehicle which was unlike most other trucks. Now days they are everywhere, darn it!

            My neighbor who bought a new Chevy pickup, full size, also purchased a bed cover for his truck. I liked his new bed cover, it was a hard top cover, (for that one reader a pickup bed cover, not a bed in the house cover) and I have been looking on line to see if I could afford a bed cover. They say a good bed cover can increase your gas mileage from 10 to 13%. They have soft and hard bed covers. The soft bed covers cost a lot less than a hard cover. I discussed it with the CEO here at the homestead, she made two comments, you get what you pay for, and you get what you pay for.

            I like the price on the vinyl covers, and they look good, but they can be cut with a knife, offering no security. A hard top cover offers security, if you can lock the tail gate. The tail gate on my truck locks. It will be here Wednesday.

            I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, that is always fun.

            Waco DIB is going to have a party for a couple retirees Tuesday evening. It will be at a Pizza place and there will be free Pizza. It starts at 6:00 and goes to 8:00pm, I hope I am not too sleepy to go, that is very late for an ole retired person!


May you always be safe, productive, and cooperative!


Senior neighborhood observer; Don Ford
