
Monday, July 22, 2019

Surprise, surprise 07/22/2019

            Saturday morning I left the house about 15 till 7:00 heading out to the city dump area. One Saturday each month they have a, “Bring you limbs and trash to us day”. In truth, I gave it that name, the city may not use the same terminology for, “trash and limb day”.
            I assumed that by getting there before they begin to take the limbs and trash, about 10 minutes to 7:00, would allow me to one of the first in line. I rounded the corner and I saw my first surprise for the day. There must have been 35 to 40 vehicles parked alongside the road in line waiting. Time waiting along with the time it took them to unload my trailer was about 40 minutes.
            Back at home I back the trailer into its parking space on the back 40 and came to the Homesteads garage, where I continued working on my project. This project was suggested by the lady of the Homestead, and it is a device to hold the dogs food bowl high enough above the floor so he can easily eat standing up. We had a unit that was given to us by our oldest son, but it was so big that I kept tripping on it or hitting it with my feet.
            The new homemade unit is wood, and does not take up much floor space. In fact it is only 6 inches wide and ten inches tall, not counting the blue bowl. It has a heavy base which is larger, to keep it from moving. Photo to follow, click the photo for your enlightenment. 
            Tres had food in his bowl that he had not eaten. I set the food bowl on top of the wooden stand and he began eating.

            Another surprise that occurred this afternoon, I was watering the flowers in pots in the back yard, when I saw a plant growing in a flower pot were there was supposed to be nothing. The leaf looked like a black berry plant leaf so, I took a closer look, and there are thorns on the small plant. I will transplant this when I can do the work out of the sun. I don’t know why it is there but I will transplant it. Photo to follow.
The third surprise of the day is a new surprise lily popping up. We had one a week or so back and now there is another getting ready to open. Photo to follow, surprise!
            It is that happy time again, got to go and get an adult beverage. C U L see you later

Well Sunday is all but over now as I sit here in front of the ole computer entering these few, to many, words. We had brunch as usual today and upon returning home I did take a nap. Following the nap I went out to the back 40 and prepared to mow. The prep work was trimming the weeds along the fence and flower beds and other structures. I have sprayed weed killer along part of the fence and it worked very well. I plan to get the spray out and finish all the area I had left, as soon as it isn’t windy.
            I mowed the back yard and manicured the front yard. Every other neighbor had mowed in the last two days, so I was forced to work even though I would have rather rested.
            I have said it before. “There are things I don’t like to do, but I and very happy that I have been blessed with good health, so I can still do them”!
            We also washed Tres this afternoon, and I still need to finish watering the flowers as soon as the sun gets down.
            Another photo I took after the final watering for the day. It is difficult to believe that Black berries are still growing.

            Yes that is my handsome finger in the photo. It is there to give you some perspective of the size of the berries. 

I hope this week you are, Productive, Safe and Cooperative!

Senior water boy at the homestead; Don Ford


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