
Friday, July 19, 2019

Supper out 07/19/2019

            On Tuesday this week we went out to supper in celebration of Donna’s birthday. Yep, her birthday was celebrated with three different days, three different meals, and the last one was with me, so it had to be the best. The food was excellent and we enjoyed a nice quite evening. When we returned home, our bellies were full, we both got a cold drink, went outside, and sat on the new swing to enjoy a nice quite end to the day.
            My favorite spouse and I find it difficult to believe we have been married 50 years, that she is 70 and I will be 72 next month. We have sons who are 48 and 44 years old.
            How did all that time go by, without us noticing?

            This Thursday and I woke up a little earlier than usual. It was 5:00 and as I lay there in the Ford’s ole bed, the need to visit the privy became apparent (google it if you don’t know what a privy is). Once I had gotten out of bed, I didn’t see a need to return so I headed into the kitchen to make a cup of instant coffee.
            After two cups of fake coffee I got dressed and headed out into the back yard. First I went to the old black berries and cleaned out an area so I could transplant a plant. After I finished preparing the dirt, I went to the new black berry patch and dug up a new plant that was growing outside of the other plants. The transplant seems successful, but we will not know for certain for a week or two.
            Completing the transplant, I watered all the flowers and berries in the back yard. I filled the bird bath with water. The birds are thankful, as a matter of fact they sometimes fight over the water.
            Finishing the above, I went to the ditch behind the house and began cutting the weeds. It was very hot and the sun was now up and shining. I completed the ditch work, put the tools away then I headed for the house and a shower. It was a little after 9:00 when I hit the shower.
            After cleaning the old senior body, I headed to the Ford’s ole computer where I procured a 25% off coupon for the Harbor store. The morning was passing fairly quickly when I headed out of the Homestead. I stopped at the coffee place and got a cup of real coffee. By the way, they have increased the price of a cup of coffee by 15 cents. L
            Once I had my coffee I headed to the cleaners where I picked up some shirts and pants. Finally I am now on my way to the freight company where I used my 25% off coupon to get a new wood working vise.
            I made it home at 11:00 which is lunch time at the Fords Homestead. We prepared lunch for the grand kids and ourselves.
            Lunch finished I took a well-deserved nap!
            Nap completed, I headed out into the Ford’s ole hot garage and installed the new vice. I had just completed the install when the garage door opened, and it was my present spouse returning from the Grocery store. I helped carry the goodies into the Homestead. Groceries in the house, I then took a little time for myself and came to the computer and entered the above.
            After a short rest period in front of the ole computer, I decided that I should get started on a small wood project that was recommended by my first wife. First, I had to get some scrap wood from the shed, being on a fixed income seniors can’t afford new wood.
            Then I had to bring the table saw out of its resting place in the back corner of the garage. My spouse of 5 decades stores some items on the table saw, (is that why they call them table saws) so it isn’t an easy task to get it out and ready for use.
            After careful planning, I cut the needed wood for the project. Once the wooden parts were cut, I then clean the table saw, moved it back into the corner, replaced all the items that are normally stored on the saw. I swept the floor and disposed of the saw dust. Then I began the creating process, you know, putting the pieces together. I will hopefully finish the rest of the project tomorrow.
            I then procured an adult beverage, a neighbor came over and we sat there talking about everyone and everything! If you weren’t there, we probably discussed you!
 Once again we see, retired people have nothing to keep them busy!

Different subject;
In the above photo we see a candle holder I made from an old piece of tree limb. There are several holes in it which I assume were put there by bugs. I was working on something in the garage when I noticed a wasp go into the hole that the white arrow is pointing at. I shook the piece of wood but the wasp would not come out, now I wonder how much room there is inside that piece of old limb.
            Different subject; everything is not bigger here in Texas. In the following photo you might be able to see the three very small rose blooms at the bottom of the rose bush. Click on the photos to enjoy.

No rest for the retired senior person.

Senior non-rested person; Don Ford


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