What did we do on this day of rest? That is a good question. This morning about 7:00am I went out in the back 40 and set up a sprinkler head that would provide water to the old black berry patch. I set the timer on my phone, and was advised when it was time to shut the water off.
My spouse of 50 years and I had a special project this afternoon, we were helping a neighbor who has had a death in their family. We will be feeding and keeping an eye on their dogs. With this in mind we needed to have our usual brunch and get beck home before they needed to leave town.
We went to the local barrow restaurant and we found no parking places. I became irritated and we headed for the other barrow restaurant. We found a parking space at the other restaurant and we ate lunch. After a nice lunch we headed back to the homestead. Arriving home I changed clothes and we went to the neighbor’s home to meet the dogs. We know where the food is so all is ready.
Later in the day, we went to the neighbor’s home and feed the dogs. It took them a while to trust us, but eventually they did. We sat there with the dogs for a while just to help them adjust. I will go back down tomorrow morning to check on the dogs. The neighbors are supposed to be back tomorrow evening. We have another neighbor that is out of town celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
I did had a nap today, and I have also worked in the yard. I have been cutting grass away from the sprinkler heads. The grass will keep them from popping up. As I had stated earlier, I found 5 heads that could not pop up through the grass, so I decided to clear the grass from all the heads. It is not easy work and I am tired.
I took a break with an adult beverage in hand, and as I was sitting on the Fords ole rocker, I observed something odd. I had never seen a hummingbird chase another bird until today. I observed a sparrow fly into the tree, the sparrow is a resident of one of our bird houses, and behind him was a hummingbird. The hummingbird was chasing him the sparrow finally stopped and just sit still on the limb, but hummingbird flew around the sparrow about three or four times, then flew off. I don't know what the sparrow had done, but he did something to irritate they hummingbird.
I am observant even when I am tired.
Senior retired dog setter; Don Ford
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