
Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekend in review 03/11/19

         In a previous posting, I had asked if anyone had caught the error in the posting before that. A good friend who lives in Indiana commented that she had not seen the previous spelling error, but there was a spelling error in the title line from Fridays post. She was correct, Thanks!
         Today is Friday March 8, 2019, I left the homestead and proceeded to the Wally world where I purchased two quarts of oil. I then went to the Star Company and got a cup of coffee. After all that strenuous effort, I was able to make my way to DIB and pick up my retiree order. Finally, I returned to the homestead where, instead of taking a nap as I should have, I proceeded to change the oil and oil filter in the Ford’s ole riding mower.
         Completing that task I then mowed the back yard. After mowing, I then prepared to go to school and pick up Alex. I arrived at school and acquired my usual parking space. Being a tired ole senior, I only played a few games of solitaire before leaning back in the seat of the Fords ole Chevy, for a nap.
         Eventually Alex and I arrived home. I then went back to work placing dirt on the grooves that are still in the yard from last year’s sprinkler system install. The dirt is placed in the grooves in an effort to level they yard.
         Completing that task at 5:00pm, (we all know what happens at 5:00pm), I proceeded to the Ford’s ole rocker with an adult beverage in hand. For some it is happy time, for me it is rest time!
            There is no rest for the wicked, and none for the retired senior person!
                                                Could they be the same?

            Friday’s activity info completed, I will attempt to, “articulate on paper”, the events of Saturday.
            My first wife and I went out for lunch. Food was good, and our server was a delight, she was as aggravating as I was!
            Alex was honored at 2:00pm today for turning 9 years old. There was a large birthday cookie in the place of a cake, the cookie people got the number wrong, it indicated Alex was 4 years old. Candles and the customary singing of happy birthday occurred. Yes there were gifts for the birthday boy. Later Alex and friends went bowling.
            When we returned to the Ford Homestead my present spouse did not allow me to have a nap. Instead of a nap, she encouraged me to help wash the dog. It was 82 degrees outside but the water from the hose was kind of cold. He smelled better and we played after the bath. Tres would toss the ball and I would go get it. I am good at retrieving the ball!
            We have already set all the clocks forward one hour.
            I participated in an adult beverage at 5:00pm, non-daylight saving time. 

            Saturday activities completed, I will attempt to, “enlighten on paper”, the events of Sunday.
            My favorite wife and I went to lunch, and after returning to the Homestead I changed clothes, yes I have more than one set of clothes! To continue, I decided that since the weather was cloudy, I would head out into the back 40 to weed eat the back yard. That job completed, I decided to head out into the ditch behind the Homestead. The problem with the ditch is, the City has not kept the drainage open, and we have nasty stagnated water standing in the bottom of the ditch.
            It is difficult for an old person’s ankles, running a string trimmer while standing on the side of the ditch. I had to refill the string one time and add gas twice. The entire work load (back yard and ditch) was almost 4 hours. There was two short breaks with gator aid. In the following photo, you can’t see the standing stagnated water, as the cut weeds are floating on the nasty green scum. There will be mosquitos.

            It was 5:00pm (new time) when I staggered to the Ford’s ole rocker on the drive way. I indulged in an adult beverage. I hope you noticed, I staggered prior to the beverage.

Seniors should be smart enough to not work that hard or long!
Master string trimmer operator; Don Ford


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