As I was waiting for the Gabi today I was also listening to the radio. One of the people on the radio commented, “Where there’s a will there is a, family member waiting…”! I had never heard that comment but it does ring true.
A more pleasant subject; Monday morning it was 27 degrees and it was time to get the so-called newspaper for my first wife. Tres and I went to the front door, I opened said door, and the cold weather was so obvious I did not go out. Tres had his coat on and he volunteered to go out. Upon leaving the door, the Tres first relieved himself, (number 1) and then he went directly to get the newspaper. He grabbed the paper and quickly returned to the house, where I opened the door and he came in. I told him he was a good girl and gave him some rubbing on his back. I call him a girl so he don’t get the big head, you know, you have to keep their self-confidence and expectations, low.
Today the normal low temp should be a comfortable 46 degrees, our low today is a freezing cold 22 and that is a new record low for this day! Wow, another day when old people have to stay inside because it is too cold.
Yesterday was my favorite grandson Alex’s birthday. He turned 9 and we did not celebrate. There was no cake and no presents. When you are on a fixed income, as we are, you can’t always celebrate birthdays or holidays. (The celebration will be this weekend. There will be gifts and a party.)
Yesterday, I was once again threatened by my mean wife. This was not an overt threat, it was implied in a way that I took it as meaningful. She needed someone (me) to provide her with a piece of wood, as she was remodeling an old foot stool. The old foot stool’s base board, which was cheap pressed board, was broken in half. She took the stool apart and I measured the broken piece.
I then ventured out into the cold weather and made my way to the Ford’s ole shed where I acquired a piece of ½ inch thick plywood. I made my way back through the freezing winter weather, to the main building, here at the homestead. After an hour of warming by the ole pot belly wood stove, I went into the garage and got the ole table saw out.
After proper measuring and marking the wood, I cut the board, I then rounded off the corners per instructions. The CEO then took the plywood and recovered it, it looks nice. I did not have the screws needed to attach the unit back together, so I will get those screws today, and finish the project. I did not get a comment like nice job, but I did get supper which was very good! After my spouse of almost 5 decades was satisfied, I returned to the garage and finished trimming the parts for the bird house.
Do as you’re told, you don’t need thanks!
Thankless, but well feed; Don Ford
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